kids and Chicago

Kids can ride the Metra for freeeeee! So it's $20 roundtrip feom my town to Chicago for a weekend of fun. No tolls, gas stations, and paying insane parking fees. Get some outdoor walking in, sight seeing and pay a little for a little fun. Voila. Instant great weekend getaway! 

music and kids

Listening to music is easy when your kid is small. You pop in some cutesy CD you got and sing along. Fast forward 5 years later when the music is on your last nerve and your kid actually understands the lyrics on the radio. You have to get a bit more selective. We use google play and they have a whole section to choose from on moods. We chose family time for our game night and I must say, they kept the hits coming! Ultimate family party was the best, but I didn't listen to them all. Trying to keep them young while they're young isn't always easy but picking safe music is :)

Christmas 2019

My favorite part of Christmas is the magic of waking up to a fresh snow and twinkling lights surrounded by my kids and husband. It's the love of those moments that get me through. This year did not disappoint. 3 Christmases, plus our family Christmas morning together. No drama, safe weather, and smiles. Everyone got along, peace reigned throughout. There were tears, however... 
We went to Christmas eve mass, which is usually one of the most magical and fulfilling nights of the year. The second it started, my daughter began to cry. She was not hurt or sick, she was overwhelmed with emotions. She was crying for Jesus. She was crying for the sentiment in the moment. She was crying for all that the moment represented. It was beautiful. I held her and whispered to her and reminded her that this is the greatest gift we can never forget. And for that one hour, she sat on my lap, played with my hair, and held my hand like she used to when she was younger. All the stress of gift buying, wrapping, baking, coordinating, just drifted away. She needed me in the simplest form and I was able to help. There was no wrapped gift involved, no treats, no bribery or something special. It was just her and I locked in a beautiful moment and it was the best present I could have ever asked for. My wish for all is that the greatest gift they received this year was peace. 

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... or NOT!

Or NOT. My favorite time of year should  include the cold, flaky white stuff. What's happening, Illinois?! Where is it?! We had the coldest Halloween on record, tons of snow up north for Thanksgiving, and a green Christmas? BOO. I guarantee the snow will come in 2 weeks when we have returned to school, bus routes and driving. Again, BOO. Where's my snow?!

the elf on the shelf

Oh, that elf on a shelf. Even at 8 years old, my daughter still believes the elf still holds the power. My kid accidentally bumped the shelf he was sitting on, the elf fell, and she LOST it. There were tears. There was drama. Then there was a letter. I apologized profusely to Santa so he would know the magic was not disturbed. Guys. If you haven't yet, GET AN ELF. You won't regret it. The behavior is magical, the manners are never ending, the smiles are abundant. 

Happiness equals fur

We have a dog. This means we have fur. Everywhere. In places you wouldn't even imagine. Seriously. He is a big, goofy, 75-ish pound lap dog who thinks he is part human. Charlie knows when you're sick, knows when to back off, keeps the floors clean and provides hours of giggles with the children. I love this dog, but I have a love hate relationship with the hair. It is constant. I could buy stock in Swiffer, dusting polish, mop n glow, you name it. Tonight I couldn't find Charlie boy and I had a moment of panic. He was curled up on my daughter's feet listening to her play piano. What a good boy! She was so excited for her audience that she just kept playing and playing. If you do not have a dog, you probably have more free time than me. But if you do have a dog, your heart is full 24/7 with slobbery kisses and doggy love. That makes all the cleaning and brushing worth it. I heard dog owners get a front row pass to heaven, so who knows? Dogs could be good for your souls, too!

the easiest way to start a fight...

Midwest folks know baked goods and Christmas treats. We can sniff them out like blood hounds. When Grandma Ohio sends her care packages from Ohio, everyone lines up for their share. One year my Grandma sent ME all those luscious buckeye balls and divinity balls to distribute to my siblings. Bwahahaha. What a mistake. An argument ensued on Facebook and I diligently divvied everything up fairly because I am a good person... nope. That can't be right. I just didn't want to suffer the wrath of what could happen if everyone didn't get their tasty treats. There will be no package this year, so I will show my little baker how to make grandma's treats and the torch will get passed on. This is a monumental moment in the family. The keeper of the family recipe is a cherished position and I am excited to share it with my daughter. Maybe if everyone is lucky, I will share one or 2 :)

the best weekend EVER

Our small town has a lighted Christmas parade every year. For as long as I can remember, people have bundled up to stand outside lookong at the lit up trucks, floats and fun. How can you not get excited, nostalgic, and feel like a kid again when everyone is happy, smiling, and waiting for Santa to appear from the top of a fire truck? Small town happiness with a touch of nostalgia is where it's at!

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...