Everything midwest, everything mama. I am just keeping it real and trying to make my family and friends laugh in the process!
kids and Chicago

music and kids

Christmas 2019

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... or NOT!

the elf on the shelf

Happiness equals fur
We have a dog. This means we have fur. Everywhere. In places you wouldn't even imagine. Seriously. He is a big, goofy, 75-ish pound lap dog who thinks he is part human. Charlie knows when you're sick, knows when to back off, keeps the floors clean and provides hours of giggles with the children. I love this dog, but I have a love hate relationship with the hair. It is constant. I could buy stock in Swiffer, dusting polish, mop n glow, you name it. Tonight I couldn't find Charlie boy and I had a moment of panic. He was curled up on my daughter's feet listening to her play piano. What a good boy! She was so excited for her audience that she just kept playing and playing. If you do not have a dog, you probably have more free time than me. But if you do have a dog, your heart is full 24/7 with slobbery kisses and doggy love. That makes all the cleaning and brushing worth it. I heard dog owners get a front row pass to heaven, so who knows? Dogs could be good for your souls, too!

the easiest way to start a fight...

the best weekend EVER

an 8th grade rite of passage is upon us
It is time for the 8th grade Washington, D.C. trip! After first our little lady wasn't sure she wanted to go. Then we talked about flyin...
One of Rockford's nicest places to go is Anderson Gardens. We love Khlem Arboretum and Nicholas Conservatory, so we don't go to Ande...
March's random act of kindness is writing letters to soldiers. Today we sat in the new blanket fort and wrote. How do you ex...