apple orchard fun

The apple orchards are open, so it is game on for unlimited donuts, fun snacks, and general leisure time! At one point, Curran's apple orchard had award winning apple cider slushies. They still taste amazing! We were disappointed the bee hive at Curran's was gone, but they added more cuteness, so we were okay with no bees. Even getting away for a quick hour to have a snack and some fun is a long enough outing to make it enjoyable. I mean, these places are down the road from us, so why not?!

In addition to mini mazes, wood cutouts for photos, animals to feed and apple launching, they brought back the bags sets to play and they now have huge tic tac toe tables. The dogs still roam free and face painting is a must. Check out the loft upstairs for kitschy coffee mugs and other assorted gift ideas with funny sayings.

Of course, after we got a snack and played we decided to hit up Edward's West. We were still able to see animals and play, get lots of photos and more donuts. And, just like Curran's, you only need a mask inside. We got the picture in front of the big signs and the size charts, which are a yearly must. We will be back soon. In the midwest, any day at the orchard is a good one. Even though it's not brisk yet, it's something about the donuts and cider slushies that keeps us happy!

getting up to Devil's Lake

Getting outside has always been the name of the game. Are you stressed? Bored? Feeling lazy? Frustrated? Sleepless? Get outside. Even breathing fresh air is better than nothing. We went to Devil's Lake this weekend to celebrate a Birthday outdoors-style. 

Devil's Lake is by far my favorite place in Wisconsin. It's God's Country. The thousand foot rock faces, the crystal clear lake, all the types and shades of trees just remind me that we are merely specks on a map and only one part of a bigger picture. You pick a bluff and you start moving. Soon it's just you and the sound of your beating heart against the wind, trees, and rocks. 

You have to focus and watch your step. You have to walk cautiously and keep your balance. When you're in the bluffs, don't step back too far or you're going down. It's like a naturistic, poetic lesson in life. The whole time you're climbing, the beach may be packed or the campgrounds may be booked solid, but you would never know.

We have been hiking here with our daughter for at least 3 years. Each year she gets more confident and stronger, so we can go further. Each year she gains more endurance and adventure. It's a lovely progression to see how far she has come in all the pictures. She has to pay attention. She has to watch her step. She has to pace herself and be patient. Hiking is teaching her things that I sometimes can't. 

Next year she wants to climb up the side of the rock face to reach the top. She wants to rappel. She wants to be adventurous and because of her sense of adventure, I will look into it. We want to encourage her as long as something is safe. She wants to come back and do more which makes me so happy because I love it!

We had fun with minimal effort. No money spent. No reservations made. We wore old shoes and smiles on our faces. I can't wait to see how far we can go next year. Remember that nature is good for you. And free!

rubik's cube has a game!

We got this game because Y care has it and, "It's just SO fun!" It was worth the effort. If you need to just sit down and take a quick 10 minutes, then this is your game. There's no logic, rhyme, or reason to this. It is simply colors and patterns.

You put the tiles in however you want and leave an empty spot in the middle. Then shake the plastic case and see where the mini tiles land. The first person to move their big tiles to look like the mini tiles without picking them up or pulling them out wins. Super simple. We both notice colors, patterns and designs well, so this is a fun little game to play. 

Summer is coming to a close so we will be playing as much as possible. This includes games and other fun. I couldn't handle a real Rubik's Cube so this works!

we love science

We are science people. We just love science experiments, shows, museums, anything we can get our hands on. We even hosted an 8th birthday party with a science theme for this cute little diva. STEM camp is a summer must, even though camp was canceled this summer for obvious reasons.

We had the chance to go to Tommy Bartlett's Exploratory in the Dells. Yes, we wore masks. Yes, we social distanced. Yes, we used hand sanitizer at every spot. And, yes, we had a safe and fun time. The tickets were "free" and expire this winter, so now was as good a time as any!

The displays are similar to that of the Discovery Center in Rockford, just smaller. There are tons of interactive displays and hands-on learning displays. I firmly believe that children should be exposed to learning through fun whenever possible, especially girls with the sciences. Running after this one to the tune of, "Look at this! What's that? Oooh, I want to try!" was worth the effort of the masks, getting prepared for the day, and excessive amounts of hand sanitizer.

Anyone looking for science fun should check out any STEM camps, girl scout camps, Rockford's Discovery Center, Rockford's Burpee Museum, Tommy Bartlett's Exploratory, or the thousands of other midwestern offerings for science fun with the kids. Science kits and experiments helped get us through the quarantine. Never would I have expected to watch webinars and spend the days creating marshmallow launchers, tents, robots, games, and other fun creations. Most options are free online. Check YouTube or google STEM. You will thank me!

the new fort

Welcome to the new fort we got! The beauty of social media is that people give stuff away for free. For freeeeee! The original owners had it painted purple and put new roofing on. We sided it, painted the bell tower and painted/decorated the inside.

Now we have a girl hangout, a beanie boo school, a tiny house. If we would have moved it ten feet closer to the house, it would even be Wifi equipped! In an unsure world we can be sure of one thing: smiles are still available at my house! We are still making fun any way we can!

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...