the best quote from a cool chick!

We are constantly trying to instill good values into our tiny human. Be kind, choose wisely, be a friend to all, pick up after yourself... there are just too many to list! A personal favorite: "leave no trace" came in handy last week. Life lessons are everywhere and I wonder how many other people pick up on this stuff. I am huge fan of good quotes, life lessons, and mantras, so these concepts blend well into the life we have created for ourselves.

My favorite quote from Maya Angelou is a great example of a good life quote and a great way to teach a tiny human to have good values. Why be normal when you can be YOUnique, amazing, and a true individual??? What is normal anyways??? And who decided that was the end game? In this house we strive to be ourselves so we feel comfortable in our own skin, with who we are, what we wear, what we do...

We took a trip last week. No hotels, no Uber, no catered meals (all of those things are fantastic, but this wasn't THAT kind of trip!). We slept in, rode bikes through mud puddles, jumped off a cliff (yep, that happened!), wore swimsuits all day,  explored, created, lived. It was BY FAR one of the best family vacations, in my humble opinion, that we have ever taken. It was far from your normal because we spent 10 days in a camper... with a kid AND a dog... and it went great! 

This is our new normal and we love it. I am so excited to hop a plane and get on a cruise. I can't wait to hit up an all-inclusive resort again! I can't wait for life as we know it to resume it's original glory. Because we choose to redefine the word "normal" we are able to have amazing adventures, stay true to ourselves, and still learn life lessons along the way.

Be normal, or not. Be unique, or not. Just be amazing! Be yourself. And be your best self!

golfing without the clubs

Why golf when you can play cards golf?!? We learned this card game and it is worth the effort. A deck of cards and something to keep score with is all you need. When you're camping and trying to pack minimally, any card game is a good game. Now we have yet another game in our arsenal for when we get antsy or need some down time.

Just like with regular golf, you get 9 cards and the lowest score wins. You can play as little or as long as you want. We typically let each player deal once. If it's just the 2 of us, we play to 50 points (first to 50 loses). That's all there is to it. 

This game is the best because it forces little minds to pay attention and use strategy. Someone has to keep score (math skills!). You have to add up your rows (more math!). You have to match numbers (matching skills are important, right!?). And overall, it's just plain fun. Take the time to hit up the racks near any cash register anywhere and buy yourself a fresh deck of cards!

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...