taking a pause

Our family had quite the week! We wrapped up another camping trip. We started back with sports and activities. We mourned the loss of a dear friend. We took pause to be grateful, hug a little longer and reflect on the lives we have. We took a nice digital break.

We had lots of conversations this week that I wasn't ready for. "What if? Why? Now what?" Lots and LOTS of, "It's not fair." And I didn't quite know how to respond, except to use honesty, hugs, and lots of ice cream. 

We lived life to the fullest according to 10 year old guidelines this week. We baked cookies a lot so there was always a fresh batch available:) We bought a new leotard to support local. We donated to a child in need. We are skipping school tomorrow for a road trip! We stayed up late to watch girly shows. We embraced living life in the now.

Tonight we baked again. Fresh honey zucchini bread is cooling on the counter. Chocolate chip coconut cookies are in Tupperware. A homemade confetti cake is all set for frosting. We realized that the kitchen is one of our happy places. 

We chat, we laugh, we enjoy conversation. We learn patience, math, and cleaning up our messes. We experiment and bond over baked goods. I smiled and laughed more tonight than I have in a week. And now we get to eat well all weekend. 

All I can hope is that the love, laughter, and baked goods made my little one smile and be grateful. I hope she knows she is loved and that she has become a great baker. She learned to mourn loss while embracing life. We laughed through tears, ate the good foods, and decided to just say yes to life from here on out!

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...