it's Clue 2.0

The 80s and 90s are back, ya'll!!! Someone I know got a Walmart giftcard and used it to buy Clue. She acted shocked and amazed that I have heard of the game. And played it. AND seen the movie!

A $10 giftcard and a $10.88 game. Well worth the dollar I fished out of my wallet. We brewed some hot beverages and played the inaugural round. Then Friday we played as a family. Minus the graphics, it is just as I remember! Everyone now looks fancy. The rooms have better decor and the clue cards are more entertaining, but still the same!

I am so glad that we have a kid who plays games. She plays card games, board games, and (on occasion) video games. She is always down for some friendly competition. And She loves nostalgia. This includes retro games. 

I say it's Miss Scarlett in the dining room, with a candlestick!

getting organized

Huge thanks to Marie Kondo, Tiny Home Nation, and The Home Edit for getting my kid hooked on organization! We love those Netflix shows and actually have some great new storage ideas because of them. We are pretty organized anyways, but going through all the little places no one looks made us realize we could do better. It didn't cost much. It simply took some time to find matching bins/containers.

The linen closet now has all matching baskets. Our closets have all matching hangers. The coat closet has bins for gloves, scarves and hats. The junk drawers have tiny baskets for all that junk. Even the pantry got sorted. 

She actually asked for clear, small bins to put in her bathroom drawers. Thank you, Amazon! She even asked for under drawer storage. Also an easy Amazon purchase. Anything that makes clean up faster and easier is a good purchase!

The after.

Totally worth it!

plants might be the sign of good times!

We got a Christmas cactus 14 years ago. It was huge and pretty, but didn't flower a lot. Then we moved and it flowered almost 6 months of the year. Once 2021 hit, the plant stopped flowering. It was kind of an ironic and sad reflection of how the world was going. 

Last year it started dying. It was the weirdest thing ever. The same lighting, same water, same watering routine. I began to think it was another reflection of how the year was going. I tried everything to save it.

I can't grow anything. I have a black thumb. BUT this plant was symbolic of our new home and new careers in a new town, so it meant something. And for 14 years I had kept it safe and not killed it. We ended up splitting up the huge plant into small little starter plants and sharing them.

My four small plants are safe and well. They are something my daughter and I can tend to together. We check on each other's plants and remind each other to water weekly. My daughter was excited to have a starter plant in her room that came from MY plant that came from my MOM'S plant from many years ago. And finally, her plant is flowering!

Who knew that having a plant could create a mother-daughter hobby and strengthen our bond? She got so excited to show me :) We saved it. And go figure, life is good. We are healthy, happy and employed with good grades and attitudes all around. We will never be the crazy plant ladies, but we have a sign that life is good and maybe 2023 will be, too :)

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...