in a land of pizza joints, we still make our own

Growing up, I was well versed in helping to make homemade noodles, homemade sauces, stuffed peppers and all the things homemade. It's what I knew and it's what my daughter gets to know. We are always willing to try some new recipe. We learned to make gnocchi, perogies, cobbler, macarons. This time we tried a new recipe and made homemade pizza a new way.

Costco had a bag of pizza crust that we wanted to try. We made one batch of crust and divided it into thirds so everyone could have their own pizza. It was easy. Add the things and let the crust sit over night, then roll it out. Done.

Crust from Costco, sauce from Meijer, sausage from Schnucks, cheese and garnish from Aldi. We like to shop around ;) It was SO hot last week that this was a nice, easy meal that wasn't just salad and sandwiches. We had a pepperoni pizza, a sausage, and a sausage with olives and onion. Fortunately, we still have our Pizzazz, so we didn't have to heat up the kitchen and make ourselves more miserable.

The only thing we wasted was the opportunity to eat all at once. We were only able to cook one pizza at a time, so we ate one at a time. When you are hot and cranky already, staggering mealtime doesn't make one bit of difference. Pizza night in 115 degree heat worked. It was fun, new, and really good! 

the bucket list has been completed!

Ah, the summer bucket list. We started doing this about 5 years ago. We each pick 5 activites to accomplish, big or small, crazy or calm. I usually try to pick an at home activity to counteract all the driving and spending my kid chooses to do, a cooking or crafting project, and a fun day trip. Then I fill in the rest with whatever fun we haven't seen or done.

This summer I was delightfully pleased to see a variety on this list. I was even able to one-up my little one-upper by taking her mall day (she envisioned Cherryvale Mall) to the next level. I managed to squeeze in the Mall of America without ruining the surprise. She shocked me with a baking day, but to add a twist, she wanted to donate the stuff we made. I killed two birds with one stone by hosting a playdate where we baked and our friend took half home. Everyone wins!

I hope our tradition continues as she ages. I know I will not be cool mom forever, but for now I have nailed it. Once this bucket list ends, I don't know what I will do! I got SO many thank you's this summer, so many arm in arm walks, so many snuggles and a few mother-daughter sleepovers. My heart is full. My cup runneth over. And to think, I have a list of fun to thank.

All ten items are scratched off. We nailed it. Vini, Vidi, Vicci. Farewell summer of fun. Farewell (for now) laughter and shenanigans!

summer baking fun

Someone I know put a baking day on her summer bucket list. The exact wordage was "baking day/ donate what we bake". I am always down for a baking day despite the 86 degree temps outside. We love to bake, we love to experiment with our baking, and it's a great way to turn off the TV and do something hands on. Who could say no to staying at home in pajamas and eating cookie dough?!

We used the cookie recipe on the back of the chocolate chips and I am sad to say, the cookies looked like crap. They tasted perfect, but for some reason they didn't bake the way I expect a cookie to look. Note to self: stick to the recipes we know. Do NOT veer! It was a rookie move, but now we know.

She also decided to bust out the ol' Easy Bake Oven. The pink cookies with lemon frosting and tiny cookie sandwiches are compliments of the Easy Bake. And after almost a year of that thing sitting in the cupboard, she decided she still loves it and it will be back in our regular baking rotation. Who knew? Everyone needs tiny baked goods in their life every once in a while :)

As for the crackers... we bought this delectable bacon ranch packet from Galena and thought it was a dip mix. It turns out it was for crackers. All you do is combine oil and the mix and shake well. Then add the crackers and shake well. Then they rest for 4 hours and you can eat. Simple enough.

Our little playdate was able to help us bake and she took her share home to her family. We considered that the "donation". The rest will be donated to the snack table at our next camping trip, so everyone wins. I love simple activities that turn into fun days making memories. And not every bucket list item involves me packing a big bag for sunscreen, snacks and cash, so I win!

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...