it's time for blue skies and sunshine

It is that time of year! I can see clear blue skies and beautiful blue waters in my immediate future! After the world's weirdest winter and a lot of fake spring time, I think we have finally hit the real deal. And let me say, it is about time! There are so many options for all the fun we are about to have.

Before fun, though, we have to play it practically. Two kinds of sunscreen have been purchased. Two kinds of bug spray have been purchased. We have already been sunburned, wind burned, and there has been ONE tick found and it's still only April. It can't all be fun and games, but I spent enough money on safety precautions so we can make summer as fun as possible. 

Life jackets will be required this summer on all activity lakes, activity ponds, and kayaks. Even though are kids are old enough now, you just never know and we want to play it safe and not sorry. There was some grumbling, but if you can't legally vote, then you don't get a family vote. Safety first! No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Fingers crossed that we make it safely to summer break without incident. We are so close! And then it's fun time! Here's to a summer full of fun, minimal sunburns, maximum water safety, NO ticks and loads of memories. This summer is simply about maxing, relaxing and making those memories before these kids get too old to want to have fun with their mamas 😀

kids are kids regardless of age (and regardless of what they say)

My daughter and her friend are these big cool teenagers now, but I see through it. As soon as we invited one of the little besties over, I asked what they wanted for lunch. Go figure. Macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets. And, of course, Takis (gag). 

My kid wanted to make her friend lunch and I am down for that! However, she needed to show off her new vanity. Then they played with the dog. Then they did ALL the skin care (thanks YouTube for that unnecessary trend!). While they girled, I made the quickest, easiest lunch and even chopped up an apple so the lunch wouldn't be processed food with a side of red dye 40. We got a few Christmas platters with 4 dividers last holiday season, so I put their food into the divider plates. 

As soon as the girls sat down, there were ooohhhs and aaahhhs over the Christmas trays. It's the little things that count you guys! I make easy lunch and put it in cute platters instead of on a plate. They went bonkers over the cuteness. I got loads of thank you's and we were going to eat anyways! 

Don't let the term "teenager" fool you when you walk into this house. Yes, there are more products in her room than in Sephora. Yes, her floor is covered in clothes and who knows what. Yes, she talks to her Alexa each night like a goofball. BUT, chicken nuggets and their presentation will always go far with her just like they did when she was 3, 5, and also 7. 

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...