I love Reese

I love to feel inspired. I love to feel empowered. I am proud to be a woman and I try to help my daughter feel it everyday. I am working on making her world a happy, safe place where she feels free to be whoever and whatever she pleases.

Some days I hesitate to go to work, but I know I am showing my daughter how to be a strong leader and financial contributor to her family. She needs to know budgeting, struggle, time management, etc. I want her to learn that from watching me go to work everyday and still make IT work.

I am aware that she hears me mock myself and make negative comments about my weight or my appearance on a bad day and I work to try to be positive for her sake. I try to remind myself that she doesn't need me to be thin, pretty, or perfect. She wants me to be me.

I recently stumbled upon this show on Netflix. Granted, I bounced around on episodes, but the message was clear. Reese Witherspoon contacted and interviewed women strong in their fields who empowered other women and inspired her. Each episode had the, "Ohhh, Aaah" factor. 

I loved it. I felt strong. I felt confident. I felt inspired. THIS is what I want for my daughter. I tried to get her to watch an episode, but she's only 8 so she just wasn't feeling it quite yet! To anyone with a daughter, watch an episode. You will love it!

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