Life is short

Yesterday there was tragedy and all of us stopped for a minute to say a moment of silence, pray, reflect, and be grateful for our families. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Bryant family. I cannot imagine what those final moments looked like, or how the family will move on without their loved ones. I tried to shield my little one from the news all day because I was not ready to discuss this story with her. Finally, last night, she heard the news on a commercial and I had to explain. I had to answer questions. I had to comfort. You hear it everyday. Hold your loved ones tight. Live for the moment. Live for the now. No regrets.

It took everything I had not to just hole up in our bedroom and turn our home into an untouchable bubble. I am unable to quit my job and hover over my child and her well-being. I must trust that we are doing everything in our power to love her and show her the ways of the world so that she understands and can be prepared for anything that comes in her path.

We hope the Bryant family gets the love and support they need in a time like this and we are thinking of and praying for the other victims as well. I will try to keep my head up today and live like a boss, own it, and be proud of it. I will be gracious and grateful. I will smile. I will remember. 💜💛💜💛

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