the craft room

Some people have a panic room in their home. We have a craft room. It's where we go to unwind, get creative, and avoid the panic. Today the world was our oyster! She finished a painting and I finished sewing her a sundress. You can truly get lost down there with little effort or planning. We have more stuff than I seem to remember.

We made my Grandma a purse with pugs on it last week (her favorite). There are endless possibilities in the craft room! We sewed a new throw pillow for the couch. My daughter wants to learn how to make a throw pillow for her bed as well. According to her, you can never have enough pillows. 

Today we decluttered all the drawers. And, oh my, was it due. Half used coloring books, broken crayons, unsticky stickers... You know what I mean. These drawers are where all the crafts go to die. We spent time sorting things into keep, toss and donate piles. We even peeled old crayons to make new crayons to donate to the children's ward at the hospital. 

The craft room kept us busy for an hour and we now have bright and shiny products to show for it made with love and creativity. Whatever it is that you do to occupy your time, make it count! Read, draw, declutter, knit, crochet, sew, workout, just make it count. Sure we are stuck at home, BUT we get to stay home! We have no pressure to go out, mingle, or get dolled up. We can enjoy our kids, families, husbands the way we want to but never get time to. Appreciate the quality of this time before we go back to the rat race of society. Find a way to smile!

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