another mom panic moment

I am hoping that everyone has had that particular moment of panic. You don't have to be a mom to have the moment where you think you missed something! This morning we were on our A game: hot breakfast, packed mask, good mood. Check, check, check. It was going so well! I was even checking out the side window to keep an eye out in case the bus came early.

It's simple. We get up a little earlier than needed and that's what works. Now we have time for braids, extra breakfast, whining, whatever ;) The bus comes across the street from our driveway so I can look out the window and see everything. I win.

We get outside and notice no neighbors waiting. Well... we were only 4 minutes early. They recommend 5 minutes. I know! Pure chaos! So then the doubt sets in. Are we early? Are we late? Where is everyone? I ran back in to check the time. Nope. We are on time... I have time to drive her to school, but she likes her routine and I don't want to mess with that. 

Right as I am about to check the bus app, our favorite driver rolls down the road. Why does this make me panic? If she missed the bus, it would've been our fault. Yet, it would've been okay. We all would've been to work and school on time. Can I just breathe for a second and realize that it's okay to not be perfect before 8am?!

I know that how a kid starts their morning changes their whole day and their whole mindset so we keep it happy and light. No need to tick off the bus driver or teacher because we had a tough morning. It is okay. It will always be okay. I just need to chill out and realize I got this and my best is the best that anyone is going to get. And to think, I freaked out about a bus... 

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