we waited so patiently for this!

When you realize a new movie hits on Wednesday, you're up and ready to watch it with the sunsrise! As expected, Netflix hit it out of the park! The story continues and we just loved it. I am so grateful the magic is still in this house. We believe!

The fact that Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have been together since my childhood is amazing. Their love and patience for one another just makes this movie more meaningful and special. They both look amazing for their age (whether or not they had work done is not the point). I only hope to have that kind of relationship that continues to grow in love and respect as I age. One of their kids made an appearance in the series and that makes it even more special.

I hope my family always has the magic. I hope we always believe! And if not, hopefully we can continue the tradition of watching Christmas movies with hot chocolate in our bellies and joy in our hearts. My family may not make movies together. We certainly haven't been together over 30 years (yet!). We certainly do have love, patience and respect. And, most importantly, WE BELIEVE!

rad American women

Our girl scout troop is looking at strong female leaders right now. I borrowed this book from a friend to share with them. It was awesome to see all their little eyes light up as we read about athletes, politicians, authors, and so on. My little one loved this book so much that she asked to read it INSTEAD OF WATCHING TV! She kept asking me who some of these great women are and was shocked that I hadn't heard of all of them.

When we promote great women, hopefully we are helping create great women. This book sparked so many conversations and opened so many curiosities. We now have it on our Christmas wishlist! It is an alphabetical list of women to know from all possible fields and walks of life. A short, easy read with bright colors and pictures.

I am trying to raise a rad American woman. I want her to see no limits and want to explore all her potential, just like the ladies in this book. I want her to question things and find her own solutions. I want her to be a leader, a friend, and kind. I want her to make a difference. I want her to be polite, but not get walked on. I want her to be unique and dress as crazy as she wants knowing other women will lift her up if anyone tries to scuff up her crown. 

This post is for all the rad lady hustlers making their way through and for all the mini hustlers who are kicking butt at remote learning, smiling through constant changes, and learning new ways to be awesome. 

it's time to get ignorant

Let me start by saying that Becoming Minimalist is one of the best sites I follow. It's most definitely not about getting rid of all your things and living some indie existence. It is about getting rid of mental clutter and stress as well. As we approach the holiday seasons in the year of the Covid, and it also happens be a voting year, I am constantly trying to avoid news, conversations, or situations that are stress inducing. Some days this is easier than others. At home I have the ability to turn off the news or turn down the radio. It's not like that everywhere else.

I have confirmed plans for the holidays that are reasonable and safe with only family, yet lots of fun and love. You do you, but I will be home with a small group of close family. I am okay with that. My child is okay with that. We want to stay safe and celebrate. That is manageable. It will definitely look different: no parade, no hot chocolate walk, no packing the house full of extended family. That is okay, though. For this year, it will have to be.

I do not plan to keep up with it all. I just can't. Even in an normal year, there are things we avoid and places we don't go. Why trudge through the mall when it's always packed and stressful when there's breakfast with Santa and Santa at the Christmas party? Even as I think about this, there will be a drive through breakfast with Santa and most definitely no Christmas party. We will make that work. It will be okay.

The focus this year is on love and togetherness. We choose safety and reason. I have to focus on myself, my family, and our needs. I don't need the biggest, fastest, bestest whatever is happening or whatever item is the hottest. I just want to sip hot chocolate in front of my fireplace and binge Netflix, play games, have a laugh, and avoid stress by realizing I don't need to be a part of it.

Fingers crossed! Let's all get ignorant ;)

you can't stop us now!

Some weeks feel long. Some weeks feel short. We are like the little engines that could right now. "I think I can, I think I can!" We managed another Covid filled holiday with minimal disruption and lots of laughter. I am so grateful for the creativity and patience of those around us who were willing and patient to adjust their regular routines and plans so kids could safely have Halloween.

The name of the game right now is stay one step ahead and get creative! Work offers new ways to go to meetings, relay information, be successful. Then there are the extra curriculars. Did you pack a mask? A smile? A snack? A positive attitude? Hand sanitizer? Staying creative and informed just makes my life so much easier.

Working out in my free time, jumping ahead on my holiday charity project, decluttering, reading, all of these are keeping me afloat, sane, and on target to be the best I can be daily. My little minion is picking up on the clues and has started reading more. She is currently loving a new video game we got her. She is asking how she can help or what she can do without being asked. We are a (fairly) well-oiled machine most days. 

Today I would like to thank my local library allowing my daughter calm down time. I would like to thank my crockpot for cooking my dinner while I work all day. I would like to thank The Biggest Loser game for making me do squats, burpees, and other things I normally loathe to get my energies out. I would like to thank grocery pick up services for saving us time and stress.

Tis the season for thanks, gratitude and love. Even though some days I want to mic drop and just be done, I can't stop. I won't stop. I will relax. I will be grateful. I will be hardworking. I will lead by example. And I will make sure that my mini me sees all the cool things this world has to offer through video chats and scripted playdates, crafts and down time, instead of living in fear and loathing of the dreaded Covid...

passing the torch

When the state gives you an entire day off to vote, you plan to vote early and make the most of your day! We decided to ride our bikes to go rock the vote, then come back for a day of fun. Why bother with Netflix and chill. Maybe a girly spa day? Nope.

We rearranged the den for maximum fun and that's where we shall begin. What started with: vote, read a little, get some lunch has become: do it ALL. She even wrote it in order of fun. THEN she went back and labelled. This is a girl after my own heart! The labelling and details are reminiscent of my own life. Neat and orderly (on paper, at least!) with lists everywhere.

"Do we have to vote, though? We have so much fun planned." Uh, yes! We do! I told her it is our patriotic duty to vote. For women, this is important. Susan B Anthony would be so proud :) 

We can have fun afterwards. Clearly, my morning has been laid out for me. I plan to pass the torch for my little go-getter organizer. She, too, loves making lists and organizing. I need to pass the torch tomorrow and show her that we can work and play and make a difference all in one morning!

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...