rad American women

Our girl scout troop is looking at strong female leaders right now. I borrowed this book from a friend to share with them. It was awesome to see all their little eyes light up as we read about athletes, politicians, authors, and so on. My little one loved this book so much that she asked to read it INSTEAD OF WATCHING TV! She kept asking me who some of these great women are and was shocked that I hadn't heard of all of them.

When we promote great women, hopefully we are helping create great women. This book sparked so many conversations and opened so many curiosities. We now have it on our Christmas wishlist! It is an alphabetical list of women to know from all possible fields and walks of life. A short, easy read with bright colors and pictures.

I am trying to raise a rad American woman. I want her to see no limits and want to explore all her potential, just like the ladies in this book. I want her to question things and find her own solutions. I want her to be a leader, a friend, and kind. I want her to make a difference. I want her to be polite, but not get walked on. I want her to be unique and dress as crazy as she wants knowing other women will lift her up if anyone tries to scuff up her crown. 

This post is for all the rad lady hustlers making their way through and for all the mini hustlers who are kicking butt at remote learning, smiling through constant changes, and learning new ways to be awesome. 

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