Always look on the bright side

 We look on the bright side of life a lot! Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and find the bright spot. Today I doubled over in laughter over a conversation about glow sticks. I was dying of laughter over glow sticks. BUT, it was a bright and sunny side of my day. 

 My daughter was in charge of dinner tonight and it was SO GOOD. She did a great job. It was fun being her sous chef in the kitchen and watching her do her thing in the kitchen. It was a great meal and a great bonding experience. BOOM. Bright side :) 

 We went to a garage sale and bought a new card game for the camper last weekend. It is Sorry Revenge. After playing for a few rounds, we picked it up and really enjoyed it. Without even trying, we found the bright side. I am trying to find something bright every day to enjoy and embrace. 

 Trying to find the bright side can get tough when you've been looking through the darkened glasses of shame, doom, stress, or whatever it is you have in your soul. I realize now that the more I smile, the more the little people in my life do. The more the dog enjoys life. The more my husband enjoys life. 

There is a really annoying song from back when I taught preschool, "Stay on the sunny side, always on the sunny side. Stay on the sunny side of life. Lalalalalalala. You'll never feel ashamed. You'll never feel the same. Stay on the sunny side of LIFE!"

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