the spirit of giving back

In the spirit of giving back, we have started cranking out hats and blankets for Miss Carly's! Typically we crochet until our fingers fall off. And, do trust, we are! I just picked up a few fleece blankets to make a rag blanket as well. It was a fun little craft project while we watched a holiday movie.

The fleece rag blankets are easy to cut and knot. They make easy, warm blankets in fun designs. My only regret is that I didn't pick up more on black Friday! We could have made some for our favorite animal shelter as well. 

I may keep grabbing these as I see them to add to our donation collection. This time of year is all about family and togetherness. It is important in this house to stress gratitude for all we have and to encourage giving back as often as we can. Two $2 blankets knotted together while eating popcorn and watching a movie sounds like a huge win to me! Easy.

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