today we find the joy in a real snowfall!

Two days ago I asked why we live in a place where it hurts my face to step outside sometimes. It got really cold really fast! And then we look outside this glorious morning and I remember why. The snow and all the magic that comes with it. Enough said. 

I hate the cold. I can never get warm. I will crawl into bed at night just to realize one of my hands or feet is purely frozen. It's always just one, never both. And then I lay there trying to warm it up before getting out of bed to run warm water on my hands or throw on extra socks. My circulation is just that bad.

Then you have the added bonus of shoveling driveways and sidewalks (thankfully I don't do that), walking dogs in the snow,  getting mail in the snow, running the car forever on -3 days so you can drive it... The list goes on. I appreciate all the effort that others put in to make sure the roads are safe, the furnace works and the wood pile is always stacked for a good fire. I TRY to find joy and gratitude :)

Today we choose joy. Sure it's cold, but we have fresh snow to look at and play in. Sure it's on the roads, but plows are running nonstop to keep us safe. We have hot chocolate, wood for the fire and new snowpants to enjoy. We can watch the animals enjoy this wonter wonderland as well.

As we approach the chilly, blah winter months we will try to choose joy. Find joy in hot chocolate instead of grumbling about the snow. Find joy in a Netflix marathon instead of grumbling you can't go anywhere. And rejoice in kicking someone's butt in a game of Sequence instead of grumbling the roads are too bad to go out. Go find YOUR joy!

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