Valentine's Day is for the kids :)

Valentine's Day has always been just another day. It's a day of love, sure. Chocolates, flowers, drinks, gifts. What's not to love? But if I didn't get any of those, then today would be just another day.

Really. It's for the kids or young couples mostly. I love all the things, but I love the joy of seeing my kid's face most. She loves to ooh and aah at the fancy chocolates or the heart shaped boxes. She loves to linger over all the cutesy cards and the pink displays everywhere. 

This year she surprised us both and spent her hard earned money on us! After she opened her gifts from us, she pulled out 2 hand wrapped gifts she bought. I got a rose with a tiny teddy bear attached, the pink easel I eye balled from Dollar General, and a tiny balloon attached to chocolates. She was so excited to see my reaction. I just loved it.

Anything that makes my kid smile makes me happy. If it takes cheesey cards and upcharged chocolates, then so be it. Lots of love at this house all the time. We don't need a day to prove it. BUT, if we had to prove it, I would say that love is in the air and we are doing great!

one little jug does so much!

Our favorite drink has become a trusty container for fun. Last year our 2021 goal was to be more grateful. A few times a month we would write a comment or two on scrap paper and drop them in there. It was especially nice when we were having a rough day to step back and see the bigger picture. It enouraged the power of positivity. 

On New Year's day we dumped the container and lined them up. Then we read them out loud. It was a short little activity on our lazy day at home. It was nice to hear some ideas for the first time or to reminisce on the fun that we wrote about. We were able to find out what the other one of us appreciated the most.

Now our huge container became a coin jar for the yearly coin challenge. We have done this one before. Each day of the year gets a numerical value. January 1st is 1 cent. December 31st is 365 cents. Each day you put that amount of change in the jar. 

At the end of the year you end up with just over $600. Since my short person wanted to do this, she is in charge of it. And, as promised, she gets to decide how we spend the money. Fingers crossed she chooses wisely! Whatever it is, we will definitely have fun. 

It is funny how one jug of punch became something that encourages family time. Whether we are being grateful or using math, being positive or counting coins, it is all stuff we can do together with little effort. And in these cold weather months, it all counts! 

cold weather means craft time!

We have been keeping busy with all sorts of fun things these days! My goal is to pull out 2 or 3 random items each week for us to do together. This will ensure some fun mama-daughter time, make sure we're using all the new gifts from Christmas/birthday and beat the cold weather blues. Last week we played slime, kinetic sand, and read under a huge comforter with hot chocolate. All sounds like a win-win to me! 

This craft project was nice and easy with some gooey mess along the way. Step one- blow up the heart shaped balloon and douse yarn in a gooey glue. Then wrap the balloon in the yarn thoroughly. Step 2- let it dry 3 days and then pop the balloon. Step 3- wrap the lights inside the heart and add batteries, plus tassels. The kit came with everything and each step took no more than 20 minutes so it was easy to do in steps.

I miss toddler days. Yep, I said it. The scratchy little voice, nap times and snuggles... sigh! HOWEVER, now we are 11. This means we can watch the good movies, play the good games, stay up late, and still occasionally snuggle :) Crafts, books, music, outings are so much more enjoyable. Even the crafts and play dates are more fun. 

It won't be like this forever (again, sigh...). She will soon walk past our mother-daughter days, spa days, and craft days for phone time, mall time and who knows what. For now, making slime is my favorite past time. Kidz Bop is my jam. Painting and coloring are the best. Pink and purple heart shaped projects keep her coming back for more and I will always be ready with big hugs and big smiles. 

The best part of cold weather is inside fun with my favorite little girl.

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...