Valentine's Day is for the kids :)

Valentine's Day has always been just another day. It's a day of love, sure. Chocolates, flowers, drinks, gifts. What's not to love? But if I didn't get any of those, then today would be just another day.

Really. It's for the kids or young couples mostly. I love all the things, but I love the joy of seeing my kid's face most. She loves to ooh and aah at the fancy chocolates or the heart shaped boxes. She loves to linger over all the cutesy cards and the pink displays everywhere. 

This year she surprised us both and spent her hard earned money on us! After she opened her gifts from us, she pulled out 2 hand wrapped gifts she bought. I got a rose with a tiny teddy bear attached, the pink easel I eye balled from Dollar General, and a tiny balloon attached to chocolates. She was so excited to see my reaction. I just loved it.

Anything that makes my kid smile makes me happy. If it takes cheesey cards and upcharged chocolates, then so be it. Lots of love at this house all the time. We don't need a day to prove it. BUT, if we had to prove it, I would say that love is in the air and we are doing great!

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