gotta love the Highlights!

I still remember rolling into the dentist's office looking for the latest Highlights magazine to read while we waited. This magazine HAS been around that long! Short articles, quizzes, puzzles, jokes, photography, search n finds. I mean, what's not to love!? Now they have a variety of choices geared to even more age brackets for age appropriate fun. It's a classic!

We moved three years ago to our new house and somehow our junk mail followed us, plus even more. Right around Thanksgiving we got the three page sample magazine that was sent to the wrong child of mine, but we opened and looked at it. My youngest was excited and wanted to make sure she got mail once a month. She loves puzzles, pictures, and search n finds, so we agreed to get a year subscription. It was definitely worth it to fill out the tiny mailer and let her send it back. She loves magazine time!

This morning she finished early and we waited for the bus with her newest magazine. We laughed at the cheesey jokes and found almost all the hidden items in the search n find page. It occurred to me that (like everything else) this cuteness and childlike fun will only last for so long (cue tears). So, yes. I sat on the front steps in my pj's, aka sweats, and pretended not to see the hidden ruler on the page so she could find and highlight it. 

I will sit there as long as she lets me. I will enjoy all the giggles and fun of this simple, easy thing we decided to do together each month. I will balance a hot coffee on my lap and wave to passersby in my pj's while we look for silly hidden images. Because, who knows how long this will last! I can preserve the nostalgia and also promote good reading habits by getting her a yearly magazine subscription. 

If anyone finds the pause button, please let me know. This growing up thing is TOO much! :(

being proud of yourself, flaws and all

Today's life lesson: don't judge something simply based on what you see. We do a lot of that without intending to or trying to. It's human nature. I get that, but fixing it so the next generation has an easier time with self worth, mean girls, and all the other stuff is important. We can't stop trying.

We saw this pier and automatically thought it was torn up. But when we asked, they were fixing it for repairs. We thought this was beautiful because the birds would rest under the typical spots since the boards were pulled up. Change one thing, change a lot. It also changed how it was viewed and used.

I am hoping all of my little suzie sunshine talks will reinforce to my child that being different is a unique gift. Not fitting a traditional mold is a blessing. Being a unique individual makes one stick out and be respected for it. At the end of the day it is good to simply be yourself with mistakes, flaws, missing parts and all.

an 8th grade rite of passage is upon us

It is time for the 8th grade Washington, D.C. trip! After first our little lady wasn't sure she wanted to go. Then we talked about flyin...