teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. We love to support local! Give me a themed festival or specialty day and I am all yours! This last year was a learning experience for all of us.

We suffered loss in ways we never thought. We had to pause, reflect, mourn, and grow. It was a lot. The take away was to always have the cake and eat it, too, BUT remember to rest. When we GO GO GO I burn out. Then the going isn't as fun. So we tried something new this winter. We hibernated.

We intentionally cleared a 4-5 week stretch on our weekend calendar. No bands, no big dinners or parties, no festivals or pub crawls. It was a fire in the fireplace, maybe a sleepover, and good food with games and movies. We ignored the need to scroll and see what everyone was up to. We hunkered down and enjoyed each other. 

We needed that. Our kid even noticed and enjoyed that. We didn't say no to everything! She still got Parent Night Out, sleepovers, practice, school events, etc. But Saturdays and Sundays were reserved for home. She found solice snuggling in a Snuggie Friday nights with the dog. She enjoyed heading to the gym and indoor farmer's market Saturday mornings. 

We all made it work. The hibernation phase is officially unlocked. We are back to some fun! We have the big D.C. trip under our belt and now we can wait for the weather to warm up for the fun things that brings. No one missed out. No one was deprived. We just paused and reset to learn to enjoy all things, big and small, enjoy each other and just be grateful.

an 8th grade rite of passage is upon us

It is time for the 8th grade Washington, D.C. trip! After first our little lady wasn't sure she wanted to go. Then we talked about flying with her friends, staying in a hotel with her friends, seeing America's history, and the fact that 31 years later I still remember MY trip. After that, she was IN! It is so crazy that we have an 8th grader.

She is measured for a cap and gown for 8th grade graduation. That happened in PE class a month or so ago. We are enrolled in high school. Freshman orientation is over. The 8th grade graduation party has been planned by the 8th grade class parent volunteers. We even got on the graduating class's Facebook page for the high school.

I can NOT. I just can't. If you saw me dabbing tears at the freshman orientation, that was NOT an illusion. I am so excited for my babe to go on this D.C. trip. I was the one telling her to go! And now? I am not dropping her at the school because I will cry. No doubt in my mind. My husband will take her to the bus drop off and get the mandatory pictures since I have to be at work. Then she will be spared mama's waterworks. 

We created this amazing little human. She was a snuggly little baby that ate everything, drank everything, and (after 4 weeks) she slept like a lamb. Then there was the cute toddler with 9,000 questions, whisps of baby hair, and nonstop energy. Bump forward to the grade schooler who learned empathy, a love of crafting, gymnastics, and Star Wars. She loved to dress herself and cried when the big kids made fun of her looks. And now we have this long legged, long haired sassy, yet kind, goofy, snuggly 8th grader.

Don't blink. Time is a thief! She still loves my hugs (at home only). We still do mother-daughter days, outings and trips. She's my boo thang, my diva, my sidekick. But she isn't my baby any more except for in my head.

Tomorrow she takes her first flight without us. She will be on a traditional adventure. All the middle schools in this area have done this trip for over 30 years. She is going to love it! She will soak it up, ask questions, take pictures, buy souvenirs and becomes a part of history. And me? I will patiently wait for me check in texts, pictures at night, and just hope everything is perfect for her. 

Ignore me for being sappy and sentimental. When you go all over running errands for your kid to fly with 3 ounce bottles, cash AND gift cards, and all the other things in between, it makes you pause. I am grateful. We are lucky. We are blessed. 

Fingers crossed for a seamless trip for all our local 8th graders! Here's to hoping everyone has fun and plays nice. It looks like the weather will be warm and dry. I am sending thoughts, hugs, and wine for the moms patiently waiting at home by their phones to hear from their babies 😀 Stay strong mamas (and dads, too!).

for the love of a quick road trip

We had the opportunity to travel and see family this weekend. We had good road conditions, safe travels and lots of laughs. Getting there took some planning, but it was easy. Overall, it was absolutely worth the drive to see family and have some fun. And the best part is always hanging out at the hotel after a day of fun.

We got to soak in the hotel hot tub that was clean and updated. There were no splashing children, no loud music, no crowds of people. It was great. It was just our family soaking and chatting, relaxing and catching up. Then we played a rousing game of catch with a rubber duck someone found by the pool. Who knew the little things would bring such relaxation and joy?

There were road trip snacks and card games each night with a movie on in the background. When you have kids and pets, it feels like you pack a small Uhaul, but we had all the right things and everyone was able to unwind and be comfortable. Last night we had wine in hotel cups as we caught up on the day's events in our cozy pjs. Those kind of nights just make you pause to be grateful for opportunities to celebrate family, unwind, slow down and just relax. Every day brings adventures when you have kids and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the hotel fun through the kid's eyes this weekend. 

For those of you that road trip with the kids AND the pets, bravo! For those that don't, I see you and I get it. I personally will never turn down a hotel hot tub. I will pack, prepare and plan like a champion for a chance to leave our house and try some new spot. And what could be better than room drinks with laughter and fun??? 

not another virus...

"Mom, is norovirus real?"
"Yep. Make sure you do NOT share water bottles right now. Wash your hands a lot and stay hydrated."
"Is this another virus I should be afraid of? I am sick of viruses."
And... sigh... 

The Coronavirus hit this house differently than others. We laid low, followed the rules and began doing grocery pick-up. We had digital play dates, craft days, and lots of walks outside. We did okay because we stayed the course and followed the news. No one knew what it was or what to expect, but when you have a kid with asthma, you definitely listen to medical advice and stay the course.

We did fine until my kid realized she was the only one of her friends who didn't live with their siblings. And then, water works galore. I would let her use my phone to call whoever she wanted and it became clear that all of her friends were paired up with one other (similar in age) sibling. This became a frequent topic of discussion. I couldn't get her to understand that she had us and it wasn't the end of the world to play or craft with your mom instead of someone else.

I am not worried about illness or viruses. I know that things happen and kids get sick. However, I will NEVER forget those 2 weeks that she hit her low and we worked harder to make her smile. I think of this often when I hear the word "virus". It just makes me sad that she had to feel that way. And now she is worried about a new virus... sigh...

Stay away germs! Please, just stay away! 

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...