a little hike

When you're driving through Wisconsin, you take every opportunity to stop and see nature. We have a truck full of bikes and where do we stop? A trail that doesn't allow bikes! Go figure. Yesterday was the day to get out and about, so we decided to do the red route on the trail (say THAT name five times fast!).

It said it was about 2.3 miles, so despite sandals we all had on, we did it. Lots of rocks, lots of slopes and hills, lots of cool nature sounds. An hour later, we had seen the lookout bluffs and I came to the conclusion I need to workout more. My favorite part was reminding my little hiking buddy to stay quiet so we could see and hear lots of animals. And what did my hiking buddy do? She growled. And snorted. And giggled. 

We didn't see any animals, but we heard lots of things scurrying away from all the foreign sounds they were hearing from us. All in all, it was a success. Another park checked off the list. Another trail accomplished. Another memory made amongst the year of memorable events. 

Nature is still open, still free, and still good for you. I would rather have a growling, giggling hiking buddy than have no one to hike with at all. My hope is that she is always free spirited, always adventurous, and always down for some nature therapy. Fingers crossed :) Happy hiking everybody!

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