back to school attitudes

My favorite time is around the corner. Back to school shopping is so much fun. All the colorful notebooks and post-its signify all the fresh, new starts. The lovely lines on the notebook leave room for notes, lists, hopes, and dreams. Fresh pens and pencils with cute designs... we love it!!!

However, this upcoming school year is going to be interesting. We plan to buy all the supplies. We even have masks in various styles, colors, and patterns. We all have one for each school or work day. We are looking forward to 4th grade with a cool new backpack and a positive attitude.

We have practiced wearing masks,  discussed decorum, and questioned who future teachers will be. We have discussed how things will be different this year. I hope PE with masks will be effective. I hope the sparkle and shine of a new year will still be the norm despite social distancing and masks. I hope my school loving, smiley little lady will still have the thirst for learning and the excitement for new experiences and new knowledge.

The funniest part of it all is the school supplies list. We are only required to buy ONE notebook and it has to be red. So all those lovely unicorn notebooks, funny emoji notebooks and glittery notebooks get put aside for red. Plain old red. The most disappointed face I have ever seen is when I read the list and said, "One red notebook." And she said, "No! Can't you call someone? Maybe they will let me try another color!"

THIS IS GOING TO BE A GOOD SCHOOL YEAR! We are going to make it that way no matter what. If the only glitch we have is a disappointment for a red notebook, then it is going to be okay! And, of course, we made a red mask to match the red notebook :)

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