thinking twice makes us extra nice

We have all been in a situation where you get invited somewhere and have to check the calendar first. Well, thanks to Covid, we ask more than just what date and time. The list includes: Where? Inside or out? How many people? Is everyone well? Is everyone comfortable with that?

Our family calendar is usually full of fun. This year has been a time for new fun in the form of bike rides, parks, outdoor or digital play dates, take out, camping verses hotel stays, day trips instead of plane trips. We have canceled trips, concerts, festivals, baseball games, and much more. But we still smile. We still laugh. We still enjoy. Covid can't take all that away, too!

And now we just add an additional layer of courtesy in the mix. Thank you, but not this time. We appreciate you thinking of us. Do you mind if we stay outside? Thanks for your support on this.

Maybe, just maybe, all of this will remind us to be kind. Just think twice to be extra nice. To choose kind. Kind words. Courtesy. Empathy. Remembering that we are all in the same storm, but we are each steering our own boats. And what makes people feel better, happier, calmer than kindness and nice???

we will miss you, RBG!

I am honored to live in an era flourishing with kick ass women. From my ladies in my family to my friends to local and global leaders to inspiring women paving the way in their own fields, there are lots of women to be inspired by these days. I am proud to be a woman during these times. Some may not agree, but this is how I feel.

My daughter and I love embracing all the fun things that come with being women. I try to explain things as they come so that she can understand. She goes voting with me. She knows that makeup is not a mask. It is simply a fun way to highlight your beauty. We cook and bake, but not because of some societal stereotype. We do it because we love it. We are protectors, providers, and fierce members of the working class because we can. Not because it's an expectation.

I am sad that we lost a true leader. We lost an inspiration. We lost someone who made me feel even better about being who I am. I am sad that my 9 year old will never see the lovely Ms Ginsburg in action. If you're not familiar with this legend, hit up google immediately! 

Be proud to be women! Work. Or not. Bake. Or not. Get all dolled up. Or not. Vote. There is no or not here! (Thank you, Susan B Anthony!) And every time you are proud, thank RBG for all the rights and privileges we have been afforded recently :)

in the fall, we call it football season

Last Sunday was a great day. The NFL is back! Even though it was really nice weather, we equate Sundays with football in this house! The Bears pulled a win and we root for anyone playing against the Packers. I even stayed up to watch the entire Cowboys game and even though they lost, there was still a smile on my face knowing that my normal routine is safely back in action. 

On my Facebook memories this morning were pictures of a homecoming parade from years back and I just realized that I haven't seen or heard any local football. I see the local high schoolers practicing after school. They were out on the field a lot this summer. I just never forwarded that thought to a season. And then it occurred to me that it's Homecoming season...

These poor kids lost prom and graduation and now, apparently, Homecoming. Homecoming is the time honored tradition of rivalries and loyalties, dancing and camaraderie. As sad as I am that I lost a trip or birthday plans, I am sad more and more for our kids. I can rebook a trip or postpone a party, but you can't relive high school (and I would NEVER want to do that!). I hope that every kid is happy in their educational journey right now. I hope the schools and communities rally together and find alternatives to the traditions. When I was in high school, we painted the windows of all the local shops downtown. That won't happen this year. 

I don't know what I can do. I will think on it. I know a lot of great people who have big ideas. I do know that if we don't rally together as a community, as a whole, as a world, we are going to lose a lot more than Homecoming fun. Stay strong everyone! Stay smiling! Stay on your couch Sundays and do what we have been doing for a long time (especially if you're a Bears or a Cowboys fan), have faith in something!

back to the bus!

A lot of people did a lot of things to get our kids back to school safely. Some kids are staying home and some are heading to school. Those who are heading back may be taking the bus. This is the first thing I think of when I think of my kid on a bus! Why are people in such a rush when they could just leave earlier or be more patient?

We are so lucky that we got the same bus driver as last year. He is a wonderful man that is kind and patient with the kids. He addresses them by name and always makes us laugh. My daughter's best friend is e-learning so she doesn't have a bus bestie any more. Our bus driver switched her seat so she can sit near another girl her age.

Make sure you thank a bus driver this year!

taking time to just breathe

I saw this on Facebook and it really struck me. I have a wonderful life, regardless of what my face may convey at any given moment. This quote made me think about the last 6 months. We were thrown into this Covid quarantine with minimal warning. I mean, I was with family on a Sunday and Monday I was told I would no longer be able to work in my building. Sure, we prepared for groceries, toilet paper, and other necessities, but we thought it would be a short stint and then it would all go back to normal...

Throughout the whole quarantine, we were able to stay positive. We chose to focus on family and fun, instead of what we were losing/canceling/missing out on. That was a conscious effort, though. That mindset took work and we were willing to work at it for the sake of our family, our sanity, and our happiness. Now that face to face school is back in session, we are again faces with uncertainty, doubts and questions. 

We have prepared and will maintain positive attitudes by choice. I can find joy in the fact that my daughter gets to see her friends again. I will find joy in job security and the love and support of my family. I will let go of old images of first days of school and roll on with these new norms. I have my moments, but I cannot live in my doubts and fears. I cannot live in my negative thoughts. That is not going to set a good example. That is not going to be productive or useful.

The story I am living is mine and mine alone. We are all in the storm together, but everyone is in their own boat steering their own paths. If we can just be patient and gracious, then maybe we can all make it out of this experience as stronger and better people finding new joy along the way...

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...