taking time to just breathe

I saw this on Facebook and it really struck me. I have a wonderful life, regardless of what my face may convey at any given moment. This quote made me think about the last 6 months. We were thrown into this Covid quarantine with minimal warning. I mean, I was with family on a Sunday and Monday I was told I would no longer be able to work in my building. Sure, we prepared for groceries, toilet paper, and other necessities, but we thought it would be a short stint and then it would all go back to normal...

Throughout the whole quarantine, we were able to stay positive. We chose to focus on family and fun, instead of what we were losing/canceling/missing out on. That was a conscious effort, though. That mindset took work and we were willing to work at it for the sake of our family, our sanity, and our happiness. Now that face to face school is back in session, we are again faces with uncertainty, doubts and questions. 

We have prepared and will maintain positive attitudes by choice. I can find joy in the fact that my daughter gets to see her friends again. I will find joy in job security and the love and support of my family. I will let go of old images of first days of school and roll on with these new norms. I have my moments, but I cannot live in my doubts and fears. I cannot live in my negative thoughts. That is not going to set a good example. That is not going to be productive or useful.

The story I am living is mine and mine alone. We are all in the storm together, but everyone is in their own boat steering their own paths. If we can just be patient and gracious, then maybe we can all make it out of this experience as stronger and better people finding new joy along the way...

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