we will miss you, RBG!

I am honored to live in an era flourishing with kick ass women. From my ladies in my family to my friends to local and global leaders to inspiring women paving the way in their own fields, there are lots of women to be inspired by these days. I am proud to be a woman during these times. Some may not agree, but this is how I feel.

My daughter and I love embracing all the fun things that come with being women. I try to explain things as they come so that she can understand. She goes voting with me. She knows that makeup is not a mask. It is simply a fun way to highlight your beauty. We cook and bake, but not because of some societal stereotype. We do it because we love it. We are protectors, providers, and fierce members of the working class because we can. Not because it's an expectation.

I am sad that we lost a true leader. We lost an inspiration. We lost someone who made me feel even better about being who I am. I am sad that my 9 year old will never see the lovely Ms Ginsburg in action. If you're not familiar with this legend, hit up google immediately! 

Be proud to be women! Work. Or not. Bake. Or not. Get all dolled up. Or not. Vote. There is no or not here! (Thank you, Susan B Anthony!) And every time you are proud, thank RBG for all the rights and privileges we have been afforded recently :)

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