the time of year for transitioning

The time between Christmas and going back to school is a transition period for us. Typically we go to the Wisconsin Dells for an overnight, but this year we are hunkering down at home the whole time. This means lots of transitions and because we have over a week to make it happen, it's pretty painless. We transitioned from Christmas decor to winter decor. We transitioned from holiday fun to birthday preparations. We transitioned from old to new!

Putting away presents becomes an experience. We play with the toy or use the new item, then put it where it now belongs. Along the way, you can get rid of old or used stuff and declutter, too. Each day we make a small pile. It is mixed with new stuff and old stuff, then we try to play with it all in the one day. 

Yesterday was pj/mother-daughter day. We donned our matching pjs and spent most of the day in my room. Rules? What rules? Fun is the name of the game. Hot chocolate and a sweet treat for breakfast along with a cheesey girly movie always gets pj day started. Then we transition to some older toys mixed with newer toys. We did madlibs, bracelet making, crocheting, shrinky dinks, yoga, and video chats with friends.

Today we will pop out for lunch, have spa day at home, play with some old science kits and do a Yahtzee virtual playdate. I love transition time! Sometimes we forget what games and fun we have, so it's nice to reminisce and play stuff that hasn't been used in awhile. I take a laundry basket around the house and fill it with anything old, extra, done for, broken, or unloved. It takes 20 minutes and it's an easy declutter and a great way to transition out the old without arguing about an item.

Another must during this time is flipping the hangers around. All the hooks of the hangers get flipped to face the front of the closet. When you do laundry and use a hanger, you flip the hook to the BACK of the closet. When summer break starts, you get rid of anything on a hanger that is still facing the front, aka something you never wore or used. It's easy. It takes no time. It prevents arguments. Either you wore an item or you didn't. Just check the hanger :) Because I am not that lame of a mom, I do this one while peanut sleeps in. 

I hope everyone enjoys their own transition periods. Whether you're transitioning to back to work time or something else, enjoy it. Throw in a pj day for extra laziness and fun. Fill a basket with old stuff and donate it to declutter. Play with some old stuff that makes you smile and reminisce. Go play in the snow that is finally arriving! Happy transition! :)

that's a wrap, folks!

Christmas is officially put away. It's over! I had it down by lunchtime yesterday. It's time to start new and fresh, plus this week we switch to birthday mode AND back to school time, so it just made sense. We now have winter decor up until the next holiday approaches.

Snowmen theme in the guest bathroom. Snow themed mantle and wreath on the door. Done. We decorate minimally around here and we are okay with it! We just need something bright and cheery to get us through the next two months when it gets cold, snowy and sometimes dreary. 

These next 2 months are cookie season (yay for girl scouts fun!). They are also a time to overthink, overanalyze and go deep down into the dark places of our brains where sorrow and regret hide. I work very hard to keep the winter blues away and living minimally gives me less stuff to fuss over, clean around and worry about. We will play with all the new stuff and spend lots of time with games, puzzles, books and movies to enjoy each other before the quarantine life ends and we go back to normal (whatever that means!). Having an almost 10 year old means I am always in fun mom mode, so there is little time for the winter blues or sadness.

I hope everyone transitions from holiday time to winter time safely. I hope the winter blues stay away. I will cherish this time while I have it. I can only go so many places, go so far, and do so much, so I may as well enjoy what I have while I have it. I will appreciate the winter time fun that we make here at home while my kid still thinks I am fun :) Now we just need snow!

all the lights!

Buddy the elf said the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Not today, Buddy! It's the lights. I don't care how old I get. Driving around for a good lights display is mandatory. We know all the local spots to go to.

There is one particular block in Roscoe that has over 35 trees. The house down from them has almost 40 Snoopys. There are whole subdivisions in Rockton that have lights, sounds and bring all the "Awww!" out. Last night we drove a little further for the lighted fun. We went into Loves Park. 

First, you go through the lights at the Woodward drive through. Those lights have been up since I was a kid. It brings back so many memories. We bypassed the Festival of Lights drive through to go to Sinnissippi Park. The walk through lights there are my favorite. We were able to see the Christmas star and enjoy that as well.

They have signs and arrows directing foot traffic and there were more roped off areas this year, BUT the lights still dazzled. They sparkled. We "oohed" and "aahed". We walked around and didn't freeze to death. Yes, masks stayed on, but that's what the signs said so that's what we did.

I hope everyone finds their moment of joy this holiday season. Whether it's finding the perfect lights display or baking the perfect cookie. I personally know that streaming church live in my living room with my kids and hearing the true story of Christmas will be on my favorites list. I will find joy in all the moments big or small and remember to be grateful for everything this year from sparkling lights to family to our health.

the elf spreadsheet

It only took 6 years, but I finally got smart. I did my research. I planned ahead. I made a checklist, a spreadsheet if you will. I prepared for the darn elf on a shelf! Today PeeWee threw her laundry on the landing over the living room so no one could reach. Silly elf!

Someone I know was noticing that PeeWee was in the same spots and had done some of the same things in the last few years. She can't remember to shut the back door, but she can remember that our elf got stuck in a 20 oz pop bottle two years in a row... HOW?!? I googled funny elf on a shelf ideas and scrolled for the funniest and easiest. Numbered the list 1-25 and started writing. It took all of 20 minutes. 

Fortunately, our elf comes well after Thanksgiving. He typically arrives by December 1st. This year he has rotated between messy shenanigans, hiding in odd places and trying to do the everyday things that we do. I have only forgotten to move him one time (not too shabby!). Yes, it is a pain sometimes, but it's fun. It will only last so long!

Here's to all the elves out there. We know you're planning fun and shenanigans. We know you're tip toeing around for the squeals and giggles in the morning instead of reading or enjoying the last sips of hot tea. We see you. We appreciate you! And just remember that the elf reports back all the nice things he sees to Santa. We are ALL on that list!

tis the season for some baking

When the weather gets cold and you have some time with your favorite little baker, you pull out the recipes from the family cookbook. Shortly after I got married, I asked family members to give me some recipes they love. I was able to get recipes all 4 sides of the family and put them in a little recipe box. We don't use the recipes often, but it's fun to see the names at the tops. We love to make recipes that make us think of our family.

Fast forward to now. We pulled oatmeal chocolate chip cookies out of the box. It is so nice being able to share a hobby with my little lady. This hobby is tasty and doesn't require much money or effort. It teaches patience and paying attention.

Little does everyone else realize, baking teaches math. A lot of math! We worked through the recipe and cut it in half, so there were lots of fractions. So you get bonding, hobbies, family nostalgia, and math. I win!

If we make small batches at a time, we can have freshly baked goods on the counter daily. Do we need them? Nope. Do we care? Nope! Here's three cheers to cookies, families, and memories!

passing down the traditions

Tis the season for traditions. The day after Thanksgiving is the day for turkey pot pie. We kept the tradition alive this year and I remembered to take a picture before we tore into it! We even used our special cookie cutters to decorate it. It was so nice to pass the tradition down to someone who loves to cook, loves to be in the kitchen, and loves to spend mommy time. 

It's not my recipe. It's good ol' Betty Crocker that I wrote down on a notecard in college. I used to spend hours in the library at NIU and discovered an entire section of cookbooks. I would look up all the foods I loved and write the recipes on notecards for when I had a real kitchen and not a dorm kitchen or a tiny apartment kitchen. I have been making this recipe since 2000. 

The pot pie is sacred! It represents my roots and comfort foods, two of my favorite things :) Watching my kid roll her own crust just made me so proud. Sure, I got excited to see her ride a bike and lose her first tooth, but rolling a crust? That's a priceless skill that brings a tear to my eye.

It was tasty. It used up some Thanksgiving leftovers. It is a fun tradition to roll down. We made a mess, but we laughed. We listened to music. We made memories and then we ATE it!

all the fun things to do from home!

When they started to close everything up again, we ran over to the library. Yes, we are those people! They have books, puzzles to borrow, movies, take n make craft kits. What more could a girl ask for? It's a one stop shop for all your boredom and hobby needs.

I grabbed 2 puzzles that my family could do together. This Marvel puzzle looked really cool because we love all the characters and it is so bright and colorful. I put it on the kitchen table because the leaf is in, so we can eat at one end and puzzle on the other. I figured it would take some time but we are always in the kitchen, so it would get done sooner than later. Fast forward to one week later...

This puzzle is taunting me because it's not done yet. Even my 9 year old is starting to look at the puzzle with disdain. She asked how she could help and I said DO THE PUZZLE! We were down to about 100 pieces yesterday out of 1,000. And we had family coming over for dinner and fun. That same family would probably want to sit at the table! 

It took us all day, but by the time family arrived, we were down to 20 or so pieces. They were able to help us finish it and I got some pictures to prove that I am either really crazy or really motivated. This puzzle was fun and challenging, but OH MAN! I may need a puzzle break before we start the next one! Feel free to borrow puzzles from the library, get an audiobook to listen to, or even checkout some music. You never know what you might find!

it's not about what we don't have...

We are coming up on my favorite weekend of the year. It trumps my birthday weekend AND my anniversary weekend! It's truly THAT good. Unfortunately, this year will look extremely different. Lighted Christmas parade weekend means family, fun, and laughter. Each year it gets a bit bigger and more meaningful.

Rockton's lighted Christmas parade is the best. They turned it into a whole weekend of shenanigans for adults and kids alike. Friday night they light the trees in the park and for the last few years, they tacked on an ugly Christmas sweater pub crawl. Saturday is fulled with breakfast with Santa, horse drawn carriage rides, craft fairs, photos with Santa, letters to Santa, and walking around town.

The night time is the piece de la resistance! A lighted Christmas parade where you stake your table at the American Legion and fill up on hot chocolate and snacks before bundling up to head outside for the parade. Everyone knows where our corner is. The kids load up on candy and laughter. Friends travel in from out of town specifically for the occasion.

Sunday is unwind day where you head to Settler's Park to see more sights and get your mug for the hot chocolate crawl with the kids. Maybe you hit up a final craft fair or head to a local church to watch a movie projected on a big wall. You are grateful. Your belly is full. Your heart is hopeful that Santa saw your letter and knows you've been good.

So, about this year... the new word at our house is "wallow." We heard it in a movie and my daughter is using every opportunity to say it when it fits. I wallowed for the loss of my favorite weekend. Yes, I did. I am not even ashamed to say it. BUT, my town being the best EVER made a new plan. 

We will purchase luminaries to light up our sidewalks in lieu of the parade. I even decorated the front door with lights. We may even try a horse drawn carriage ride. Santa's letter will get dropped off. We will embrace what we do have, not what we don't. We will praise the efforts of our town and only momentarily wallow. 

I have hot chocolate, love in my heart, and a healthy family. That's all I need right now. There can be shenanigans. There will be laughter. And we will bundle up to see the painted windows and luminarias instead of the parade. We will make it work because that's what this year has been about.

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...