the time of year for transitioning

The time between Christmas and going back to school is a transition period for us. Typically we go to the Wisconsin Dells for an overnight, but this year we are hunkering down at home the whole time. This means lots of transitions and because we have over a week to make it happen, it's pretty painless. We transitioned from Christmas decor to winter decor. We transitioned from holiday fun to birthday preparations. We transitioned from old to new!

Putting away presents becomes an experience. We play with the toy or use the new item, then put it where it now belongs. Along the way, you can get rid of old or used stuff and declutter, too. Each day we make a small pile. It is mixed with new stuff and old stuff, then we try to play with it all in the one day. 

Yesterday was pj/mother-daughter day. We donned our matching pjs and spent most of the day in my room. Rules? What rules? Fun is the name of the game. Hot chocolate and a sweet treat for breakfast along with a cheesey girly movie always gets pj day started. Then we transition to some older toys mixed with newer toys. We did madlibs, bracelet making, crocheting, shrinky dinks, yoga, and video chats with friends.

Today we will pop out for lunch, have spa day at home, play with some old science kits and do a Yahtzee virtual playdate. I love transition time! Sometimes we forget what games and fun we have, so it's nice to reminisce and play stuff that hasn't been used in awhile. I take a laundry basket around the house and fill it with anything old, extra, done for, broken, or unloved. It takes 20 minutes and it's an easy declutter and a great way to transition out the old without arguing about an item.

Another must during this time is flipping the hangers around. All the hooks of the hangers get flipped to face the front of the closet. When you do laundry and use a hanger, you flip the hook to the BACK of the closet. When summer break starts, you get rid of anything on a hanger that is still facing the front, aka something you never wore or used. It's easy. It takes no time. It prevents arguments. Either you wore an item or you didn't. Just check the hanger :) Because I am not that lame of a mom, I do this one while peanut sleeps in. 

I hope everyone enjoys their own transition periods. Whether you're transitioning to back to work time or something else, enjoy it. Throw in a pj day for extra laziness and fun. Fill a basket with old stuff and donate it to declutter. Play with some old stuff that makes you smile and reminisce. Go play in the snow that is finally arriving! Happy transition! :)

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