tis the season for some baking

When the weather gets cold and you have some time with your favorite little baker, you pull out the recipes from the family cookbook. Shortly after I got married, I asked family members to give me some recipes they love. I was able to get recipes all 4 sides of the family and put them in a little recipe box. We don't use the recipes often, but it's fun to see the names at the tops. We love to make recipes that make us think of our family.

Fast forward to now. We pulled oatmeal chocolate chip cookies out of the box. It is so nice being able to share a hobby with my little lady. This hobby is tasty and doesn't require much money or effort. It teaches patience and paying attention.

Little does everyone else realize, baking teaches math. A lot of math! We worked through the recipe and cut it in half, so there were lots of fractions. So you get bonding, hobbies, family nostalgia, and math. I win!

If we make small batches at a time, we can have freshly baked goods on the counter daily. Do we need them? Nope. Do we care? Nope! Here's three cheers to cookies, families, and memories!

1 comment:

  1. I love that! I bought fancy notecards and mailed them to family. I should have them bound to pass on. That's a great idea!


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