do-it-yourself is one of the best themes ever!

Despite Covid, we were still able to throw together a super fun Birthday weekend for the big 10! Two nights of fun featuring do-it-yourself activities each night. This also included a do-it-yourself invitation that was cut into puzzle pieces for you to assemble. Each guest came separate nights to make it safe and easy for everyone to enjoy. We managed do-it-yourself everything so meal creation, cake decoration, and craft creating became a you touch it, you take it experience. I was unsure of how it would go, but it was safe and fun and the girls had a blast.

To top it all off, we were able to do a birthday Zoom with family and play Hangman. Did I ever forsee a cross country game night in our birthday plans? It is amazing to me how much technology has been able to make us feel connected even when we can't physically be together. For that, I am eternally grateful. We couldn't do a birthday parade, so a birthday Zoom was a warmer option. 

The theme of this whole year has been, "Be flexible, be patient, just go with it!" Our little one has been gracious and patient with just about everything and I worried endlessly that she wouldn't feel like she got the true Birthday experience. After a weekend of giggles, crafts, Zooms, and lots of cupcakes, I would say we nailed it. The theme changed last minute from Dance party to Do-It-Yourself and it was our best theme yet. 

The really fun part was watching her check the mail for a week to collect birthday cards, Birthday gifts, and other birthday wishes. I am hoping we don't have to have an adjusted mini party next year. However, if we do, I know she will be okay with it. She will be grateful. She will have fun. And I know it will be okay ;)

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