you might be a girl mom if...

Being a boy mom was pretty much what I expected. Underoos, gross jokes, and super heroes consumed our lives for a solid 8 years. We always carried bandaids and knew that real pain equaled stepping on the occasional Lego. We spent a week wearing only a Batman costume once. Nerf guns were an essential toy at every event.

Being a girl mom is equally as fun and equally as messy. Instead of buffing scratches out of the counters from matchbox cars, we now scrape nail polish off the table. Pink covers every surface. We know the name of every beanie boo and sprinkles are in everything we make. We love glitter and frills topped with Converse and overalls.

I cleaned the house today. I found something pink on the tile of my bathroom (nail polish? Hair dye?), something pink by the front door (leftover from painting the fort?), pink paint on the windowsill (definitely from last week's paint session), and pink on the kitchen table (manicures). I can't even get mad. I expect it. "Don't spill! Be careful! Wipe that up!" This is followed with, "I know! I got it! I did!"

We had a spa day the other day. Spa days get a bit excessive at our house. She had asked for pink hair for Christmas and since she didn't ask for much, pink hair she got! We decided to touch it up at the "spa". (More pink stains in the sink!) 

Even though she is ten now, I still got to snuggle during the movie afterwards! There is nothing more soothing than playing with your little one's hair after it just got washed. With all the hot pink, I was making crazy designs and taking pictures for her to see. The pink is on all the surfaces, but I wouldn't trade this for anything. My little punk rocker diva still wants to play, she still decorates in pink, and if we make a mess, then a mess we make. Messes equal memories on spa days!

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