an ode to Orbeez

We got a gallon bag full of Orbeez (aka water beads, aka squish balls) last night. I don't know why these things are so entrancing! They're squishy, they're colorful, they're calming fun. You can buy them anywhere. All you do is pour water over them and voila!

Whoever created these is a pure genius. Seriously. For $2 you have an afternoon of fun. It's so simple, yet so genius. Keep them in a bowl and squish, scoop and play. Leave them in the gallon baggie and you have a pillow-like product to play with.
We decided to make stress balls since we had so many Orbeez. Sounded easy enough. We figured we use a funnel to pour them into a balloon. But... that didn't work. Cutting a water bottle in half and using THAT as a funnel worked better. But not really. 

Google check! Pour them into an empty water bottle, blow up a ballon and put it over the mouth of the water bottle, then turn it upside down and squeeze the water bottle. All the Orbeez pour into the balloon and then you knot the balloon shut. So easy.
I am telling you... $4. $2 for Orbeez and $2 for balloons. There are so many happy people in this house tonight! Stress relief, craft time, mother-daughter bonding, and we still have a huge bag of Orbeez left to play with. I win!

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