sidewalk chalk is an underappreciated item!

Remember the good ol' days when you just went outside and played? No agendas, no phones, no plans. Just you and fresh air and fun. It is so nice to head outside and just know that regardless of the season or weather, there's always backyard fun to be had. Even though we don't have a country yard any more, there is still plenty of townie yard fun to be had! 

My kid still plays like that when the snow piles up. She will spend hours digging tunnels and building snowmen. This year she learned how to make snow ice cream. We went sledding and snow boarding on the biggest local hill we could find. I spent the winter freezing and she had to be dragged in each time.

In the summer we ride bikes and walk constantly. There are hammock reading sessions, coloring in the fort, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, swings. And you can't forget about gardening, picking raspberries, and wading in the creek. Kites, cloud gazing, backyard yoga... Man, I love summer! 

Today we were waiting for the bus and we noticed the driveway was cleared off of all the excess ice and snow. I grabbed the sidewalk chalk and we colored while we waited for the bus. We sat there in puffy coats and knit hats with huge puff balls on top. For 6 or 7 minutes, we drew. We chatted. We created. We made it colorful and fun. 

It felt like spring. It was nostalgic. It was fun. Sidewalk chalk is a dollar a box. We pick up boxes here and there from spring to fall. It's so easy. It encourages smiles and creativity. Have you ever turned your driveway into a huge game of Chutes and Ladders? Or hopscotch? Or traced your bodies and colored them in? Or played the alphabet game? Options are endless.

I am here to say that everyone should own sidewalk chalk. I was smiling and happy after our mini drawing session. There was no mess and no cleanup. It is cheap and easy and so underrated! When bike season rolls around, we will be drawing pictures in the roads, on the sidewalks and around town just to spread the smiles. I would say that's a dollar well spent :)

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