one little bag makes a big difference

We started using all those Walmart and Dollar General bags for more than just garbage bags in the bathroom. Once a season I grab a handful of bags and we fill them. I go room by room and fill the bags. Junk. Recycling. Give away. Donate. It doesn't feel like you're getting rid of much if you're only filling small bags.

Fill the bags until you're out of bags, out of patience, or out of stuff. It's usually about 5-8 bags at a time. Nice and easy. After all those Home Edit shows and Marie Kondo, it's easier to find joy and simplicity in organization. It feels good to purge and remove clutter. It also helps to have a mini me who wants to help. 

We now have 6 bags to give to a friend's daughter. There are 3 bags to pass back to a friend. There is 1 bag of sheets and towels to donate to the animal shelter. There is 1 bag for the homeless shelter. 1 bag for recycling. 

Impending cold weather means that we will be sitting at home more. Sitting home means you know notice things. Noticing things means feeling overwhelmed by amounts of pure stuff. And in my case, we create a fun little bonding activity by helping each other get rid of stuff. 

Making little changes mean big things. And it all starts with boredom and some little bags. It's an optical illusion. If you thought you had to fill a garbage bag, then you'd panic or get annoyed. Filling little bags makes big impact :)

it's a boo-tiful day!

It all started with a trip to a few stores. We saw these cute little ghosts and SOMEONE got on my good side by saying, "Mama, you could crochet that! I bet we could make crochet ghosts." And, done. I am always up for a challenge. And, yes, I am aware I got duped by a 10 year old playing to my weakness :) 

I stress crochet, crochet for fun, crochet for warmth, crochet for donation, crochet for craft, you get it... I learned how to crochet when I was 10. I have been plugging away ever since. I taught both kids to crochet and it worked out well. 

My little one still needs to learn to crochet on the round. Then she can help me to make more ghosts. She loves her little ghost I whipped up. We even used real blush for the cheeks! We plan to make a whole ghost family to go with this cute little ghost mama. 

Anything to get a smile outta that kid is fine by me. Last year we crocheted a whole pumpkin patch. The year before we crocheted a bunch of mini stockings. We have made capes, specialty items, mermaid tail blankets, you name it. It's a cheap, safe and easy habit/hobby/secret addiction that helps me strengthen my mother-daughter bond :)

All you need is yarn and a needle. Maybe 5 whole dollars. And a little time. You can make memories and a lot of unnecessary trinkets, but it's peaceful and fun :)

gratitude is everywhere

It was a big week in this house! The end of September means fall, birthdays, and fun. We had birthday dinner, more 90 degree weather, and pumpkin collecting, all in one week! I had to take a pause and collect myself, my thoughts and move forward. As long as this week was, as tired as I felt, I reminded myself how blessed we are. 

Our little community experienced another loss that really hit me to the core. I am eternally grateful for not only the house, the family, friends, clothes, etc. I am grateful for good health, health care options, insurance, safety and security as well. Life is short and unpredictable. Things change in the blink of an eye.

One reoccurring thought and lesson popped up this week. I will be grateful for this one life I have been given and live it to the fullest. I will focus on my health and wellbeing. I will be grateful that I AM able to put myself and my family first. I will focus on the safety and health of my family because, yes, I am grateful for these precious lives. Yes, I am blessed for these precious moments.

Life is too short. I want to leave this Earth knowing I did what I could to help others and make the world a better place because I am grateful for the resources that I have available. I am grateful for the insight to know this, the ability to believe this and the power to accept this. Accept and be thankful for your blessings, big and small, fun and serious.

Be grateful. Be thankful. Be able to do you.

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...