gratitude is everywhere

It was a big week in this house! The end of September means fall, birthdays, and fun. We had birthday dinner, more 90 degree weather, and pumpkin collecting, all in one week! I had to take a pause and collect myself, my thoughts and move forward. As long as this week was, as tired as I felt, I reminded myself how blessed we are. 

Our little community experienced another loss that really hit me to the core. I am eternally grateful for not only the house, the family, friends, clothes, etc. I am grateful for good health, health care options, insurance, safety and security as well. Life is short and unpredictable. Things change in the blink of an eye.

One reoccurring thought and lesson popped up this week. I will be grateful for this one life I have been given and live it to the fullest. I will focus on my health and wellbeing. I will be grateful that I AM able to put myself and my family first. I will focus on the safety and health of my family because, yes, I am grateful for these precious lives. Yes, I am blessed for these precious moments.

Life is too short. I want to leave this Earth knowing I did what I could to help others and make the world a better place because I am grateful for the resources that I have available. I am grateful for the insight to know this, the ability to believe this and the power to accept this. Accept and be thankful for your blessings, big and small, fun and serious.

Be grateful. Be thankful. Be able to do you.

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