one little bag makes a big difference

We started using all those Walmart and Dollar General bags for more than just garbage bags in the bathroom. Once a season I grab a handful of bags and we fill them. I go room by room and fill the bags. Junk. Recycling. Give away. Donate. It doesn't feel like you're getting rid of much if you're only filling small bags.

Fill the bags until you're out of bags, out of patience, or out of stuff. It's usually about 5-8 bags at a time. Nice and easy. After all those Home Edit shows and Marie Kondo, it's easier to find joy and simplicity in organization. It feels good to purge and remove clutter. It also helps to have a mini me who wants to help. 

We now have 6 bags to give to a friend's daughter. There are 3 bags to pass back to a friend. There is 1 bag of sheets and towels to donate to the animal shelter. There is 1 bag for the homeless shelter. 1 bag for recycling. 

Impending cold weather means that we will be sitting at home more. Sitting home means you know notice things. Noticing things means feeling overwhelmed by amounts of pure stuff. And in my case, we create a fun little bonding activity by helping each other get rid of stuff. 

Making little changes mean big things. And it all starts with boredom and some little bags. It's an optical illusion. If you thought you had to fill a garbage bag, then you'd panic or get annoyed. Filling little bags makes big impact :)

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