being smart with your fun

I feel like kids need fun, new opportunities, and options. With that also needs to come calm, downtime, and the ability to get bored. I cannot stand the, "I'm bored!", because we took a pause to refresh and relax. We definitely have a good time in this house. Winter break has been full of family, fun, and lots of new things. We embraced opportunites as they came and managed downtime in between so as not to burn out. 

On Friday, my little person had plans change. She ended up creating a new plan and enjoyed it! Who knew that you can roll with it and try new things AND enjoy?! (It's almost like I know what I am doing as a parent! 😂). Saturday it was the same. When your bestie is sick, you either chill at home or roll with new plans. She went out with a new friend and enjoyed every second. 

Today is also new for us. I went in to see what she was going to do today. She informed me she was taking an all day, chill out, at-home spa day and she did NOT want to do a thing. She will only be leaving her room for food. I said OK and left her. I only wish I was that assertive and aware of my own mental health, happiness and needs when I was younger (sigh). 

With winter comes wisdom. We know fun is fun! We know downtime isn't always fun, but it's essential. I love having a happy mix. I love that she loves the happy mix. What I really love most of all??? We are able to love and take care of each other so that we start this new year happy AND rested.

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