the new trends I can get behind!

This family does not follow trends. Only one of us wears Crocs, I don't watch the Real Housewives or The Bachelor, and I don't give Boo baskets. That is okay. I do me, you do you, we all win. I appreciate all the effort others put forth and I enjoy all the pictures, stories, and posts, though! 

There are two new trends rolling through these parts and I am pleased to say that we jumped on board. In true fashion, they're non traditional. I jumped in wholeheartedly and I am pleased to say my family appreciates all the effort. Trend one is sourdough. Trend two is no more big birthday parties! Both of these bring me joy ;)

This sourdough thing... you feed your dough and when it doubles you bake/make/create with it. All I had to buy was parchment paper, a digital scale, and bread flour. I enjoy baking and creating something from nothing. The fact that I can make things my family actually eats and can pronounce every single ingredient also makes me feel good. Baked bread, sandwich bread, tortillas and flat breads are the only things I have made so far, but in 2 or 3 weeks of effort, I have done so much.   

Stay tuned for continued photos of baked goods. I am always on board for food and snacks. The measuring can be a bit much, but it's an easy way to ensure my family eats cleaner. It also gives me something to do each night that is just for me. No music, no TV, just focus so I can mix, measure and create. I love it.

Trend two: The party thing. I can name about 6 kids who do not have birthday parties. They do a special activity or just have friends over for pizza or do a small weekend getaway with family. How great is that?! I loved hosting parties, but the prep work and RSVPing and matching lost items to the proper child was a but much when it was all said and done. 

We are on year two of nontraditional birthday fun. Last year it was a sleepover with 2 friends and a fancy dinner. This year it was 24 hours of her bestie, so we shopped, went out to eat, and got a great rate at Mt Olympus to beat the winter blues. I made a banner and brought some balloons. The "cake" was homemade brownies and it went great.

Whether or not these trends stick through the new year is fine by me. I am always willing to try new things as long as it is not a waste of my time or efforts. So far, so good. No one is sad, lonely or hungry, so I would say it's working out quite well. Happy trending out there! 

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