All that Halloween

We went to Main St trick-or-treat in our lovely little town last week and it came complete with a fire truck, trunk or treat, and a party at our favorite bar and grill. We even got ice cream on the final day of the season at the local ice cream house. My daughter is teetering between loving stuff and being too old for it. She went as an 80's girl complete with fanny pack, side pony, and leg warmers. She immediately got asked if she was JoJo. Mind you, we don't have cable and when she does watch Netflix, it is cooking shows or mermaid shows. She got all salty that people didn't immediately get the costume. I fear my little lady is growing up and I do NOT like it. The following is a list of why I fear this may be the last year of all this Halloween cuteness at my house...

1. We bought a pumpkin because she loved it, but she doesn't want to carve it. She wanted to paint it instead. NOW, she likes it plain just like it is. We are going to let her throw it off the deck and destroy it this weekend. She is much more excited about that!

2. We watched Hocus Pocus, but we won't watch anything else because, "those shows are too little for me now." (Can you hear the sound of my heart right now?!)

3. We can go trick or treating, but she really wants to go with a friend. And only half the time. She wants to come home, bundle up, and pass out candy the second hour (which is fine by me because they're predicting SNOW).

4. She went to a Halloween themed birthday party but didn't feel like dressing up because she wasn't in the mood. Then all the other kids dressed up and she felt a little guilty. But then she got over it!

5. She wants no part in Charlie Brown, Halloween music, or anything else related to Halloween that doesn't involve candy or mildly dressing up.
Look at this cute little 80's diva! You can't even see her fanny pack, but it's there. Oh, yes. It is there!

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