the finger pain

It all started innocently enough. I ripped off a hangnail that had been bothering me for a while. Within 4 days it became extremely infected. Who knew how important a ring finger was? I swear I bump this thing a thousand times a day and shooting pain ripples through my body and my eyes tear up. Over a ring finger? This is one of the most ridiculous amounts of pain I've experienced and I gave childbirth epidural free and I have been in more than one car accident. This is ridiculous. I continue to soak with Epsom salts all day and use neosporin at night and after a week and a half it looks worse but seems better... We are even to the point where my daughter is afraid to hold my hand for fear she will send me into a pain spasm. People, do yourselves a favor and think before you rip! After 39 years of ripping hangnails out, they finally got me! Don't be a victim! ;) And this is the "after" picture. I couldn't even stomach a "before" picture.

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