How can you steal THAT?!

My friend's brother was a marine. He passed away awhile back and they had a memorial cross put at the site of his crash. And now that cross is gone. Gone. No trace of it. This is now all over the news. My daughter wasn't sure why I was upset so I had to explain that it isn't nice to steal from anyone, let alone someone in heaven. Let alone, a veteran. Guys. What kind of a world do we live in? This is what I am entrusting to my daughter when she's grown? Oh, boy. We need to go back to the basics. Please and thank you, keep your hands to yourself, do unto others as you would do unto yourself kind of stuff... I am hoping my friend's family gets their cross back. I am hoping for peace and happiness in this world. I am guessing I will be waiting awhile, but it all starts at home. We can lead by example and all that. Here's to good news, a good world and a good day!

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