8 minutes a day...

I just read an article that said the average parent talks to their child for eight minutes a day. 8 minutes. That's not a lot. That's actually really, really sad. I can guess that these are older kids. My 9 year old is constantly chatting away!

I am highly aware I shouldn't believe everything I read (especially online material). However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could believe it. Just take away school and sleep and you're at 8 hours a day left. Minus an hour for grooming. And another hour for transporting. 6 hours a day left. 

You would assume those 6 hours are left for 3 solid meals, a snack, homework, extra curriculars, and outings. BUT think about TV time, cell phone time, tablet time, and electronic time (hello, video games!). That skews the data even more.

Why does this bother me so much? Why should it bother you? With all the fancy toys, new electronics, over worked families, stressed kids, and more, people are being pushed thin. 

I work with kids and I coach kids and I am a girl scout leader to little kids. I see the importance of conversations. I realize asking questions, even silly ones, may be the only way to draw a kid out, make them feel secure, and let them know they are important. 

With the world that we live in today, we SHOULD be talking. To each other, to our kids, to anyone who needs it. Let's hope that data is wrong and I am just worrying for nothing. Let's just hope. Talk to your kids! Don't settle for, "fine," when you ask, "How was your day?". Talk to each other!

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