I'm tired, boss

Does anyone remember that scene in Green Mile where John Coffey says, "I'm tired, boss"? That's how I feel sometimes. Tired. Not exhausted or sleepy. Just tired. Tired of cold weather, tired of the sad news, tired of pushing myself to do my best and be my best while others just take a backseat. 

I keep smiling. I keep doing me. I promote positivity with my daughter and show her all the good in this world. But deep down... sometimes I just want to take a break. I want to watch news stations and not panic. I want to see that nonprofits are raking in donations. I want happiness and peace on earth. Unrealistic? Absolutely. Can a girl dream, though? Yep. 

Here's to brighter tomorrows with more smiles, less crime, more charity work, equal and honest work loads, and free cheesecake for everyone! Maybe you don't like cheesecake, but I had to throw something positive in there :)

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