back to school colds...

First, I got my back to school cold. I get it every year and I should know better. How long have I been teaching? I'm not new here! I walked around for 2 days carrying a half gallon of orange juice and taking the good stuff every 4 hours like clockwork. Now my daughter has caught the back to school cold. She has asthma so the slightest cough and sniffle are enough to freak anyone out because that can turn into pneumonia in a flash. She roughed it through school today, but tonight she got really wheezy and we called it. I just put in for a sub and made a to do list so that I can be productive on my day off. Is it just me or do other moms feel the need to get stuff done on a sick day to make it justified????? I will spend the day watching girly movies with the sick princess and struggling to get all the girl scout badges on correctly. Grading papers, running the Swiffer and an in house work out are on the back burner. We will wait and see how snuggly my sick girl will feel. Stay strong and stay safe out there, mamas! Start buying vats of orange juice and Robitussin because I heard it's going to be a rough winter. Grrr....

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not another virus...

"Mom, is norovirus real?" "Yep. Make sure you do NOT share water bottles right now. Wash your hands a lot and stay hydrated....