On 9/11 we never forget

My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who knows about 9/11, who helped, who suffered, who lost, who mourned, who donated, who prayed, or who was there. This day makes me sad on so many levels. I am a patriot through and through and this act of terrorism shakes me to the core thinking that our American soil, safety and liberties were changed forever on that day. Stay strong, America. Be thankful, be gracious, be kind, be willing, be charitable, be loving. Just be the best you that you can be. WE the people need to stand up, unite and stay strong for future generations. Keep telling the story. Let it be known that we overcame and still stand strong. Excuse me while I go have a good cry out in memories of those that we lost, those hurt helping out, those families who have one less table setting to put out. Hug your babies, thank your friends and family, just never forget. 

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