Happiness equals fur

We have a dog. This means we have fur. Everywhere! In places you wouldn't even imagine. I find it on my desk at work sometimes. It is crazy. I can't find my keys sometimes, but we never run out of time to find dog hair! Charlie is a 75-ish pound black English Lab. He thinks he is a human, but we won't tell him the truth. He is empathetic, loving, playful, and does a great job of keeping the food off the floor. He is great with kids as long as he doesn't get too excited because he has been known to bowl a kid or two over. On a whole, he is a lovable addition to our family. The only downside is that we have hair. Everywhere! I should just buy stock in Swiffer, Mop n Glo, Dyson, and any other product I use to keep my home looking and smelling decent. Notice I didn't say good. When the windows are closed, it straight smells like a dog runs my house when you first walk in. Once you get a few steps in, though, it is a nice smelling home again. Tonight I couldn't find good ol' Charlie boy and I had a moment of panic. I found him sitting on my daughter's feet while she practiced piano. He was just enjoying the good tunes, so he was not in the mood to come to the sound of his name. My daughter was so excited to have an audience that she played everything she knows and then some. Then they danced together. Then they snuggled together. Then it was the cutest thing ever and I decided that I should just give up cleaning up after sir sheds a lot and let him be the cutest snuggler ever. I heard dog owners get into heaven faster and for my sake, I hope that is true. It makes all the brushing, sweeping, vaccuuming and hollering even more worth it. I mean, check out this lovable face. Who could deny any of that?!

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