the time of year for transitioning

The time between Christmas and going back to school is a transition period for us. Typically we go to the Wisconsin Dells for an overnight, but this year we are hunkering down at home the whole time. This means lots of transitions and because we have over a week to make it happen, it's pretty painless. We transitioned from Christmas decor to winter decor. We transitioned from holiday fun to birthday preparations. We transitioned from old to new!

Putting away presents becomes an experience. We play with the toy or use the new item, then put it where it now belongs. Along the way, you can get rid of old or used stuff and declutter, too. Each day we make a small pile. It is mixed with new stuff and old stuff, then we try to play with it all in the one day. 

Yesterday was pj/mother-daughter day. We donned our matching pjs and spent most of the day in my room. Rules? What rules? Fun is the name of the game. Hot chocolate and a sweet treat for breakfast along with a cheesey girly movie always gets pj day started. Then we transition to some older toys mixed with newer toys. We did madlibs, bracelet making, crocheting, shrinky dinks, yoga, and video chats with friends.

Today we will pop out for lunch, have spa day at home, play with some old science kits and do a Yahtzee virtual playdate. I love transition time! Sometimes we forget what games and fun we have, so it's nice to reminisce and play stuff that hasn't been used in awhile. I take a laundry basket around the house and fill it with anything old, extra, done for, broken, or unloved. It takes 20 minutes and it's an easy declutter and a great way to transition out the old without arguing about an item.

Another must during this time is flipping the hangers around. All the hooks of the hangers get flipped to face the front of the closet. When you do laundry and use a hanger, you flip the hook to the BACK of the closet. When summer break starts, you get rid of anything on a hanger that is still facing the front, aka something you never wore or used. It's easy. It takes no time. It prevents arguments. Either you wore an item or you didn't. Just check the hanger :) Because I am not that lame of a mom, I do this one while peanut sleeps in. 

I hope everyone enjoys their own transition periods. Whether you're transitioning to back to work time or something else, enjoy it. Throw in a pj day for extra laziness and fun. Fill a basket with old stuff and donate it to declutter. Play with some old stuff that makes you smile and reminisce. Go play in the snow that is finally arriving! Happy transition! :)

that's a wrap, folks!

Christmas is officially put away. It's over! I had it down by lunchtime yesterday. It's time to start new and fresh, plus this week we switch to birthday mode AND back to school time, so it just made sense. We now have winter decor up until the next holiday approaches.

Snowmen theme in the guest bathroom. Snow themed mantle and wreath on the door. Done. We decorate minimally around here and we are okay with it! We just need something bright and cheery to get us through the next two months when it gets cold, snowy and sometimes dreary. 

These next 2 months are cookie season (yay for girl scouts fun!). They are also a time to overthink, overanalyze and go deep down into the dark places of our brains where sorrow and regret hide. I work very hard to keep the winter blues away and living minimally gives me less stuff to fuss over, clean around and worry about. We will play with all the new stuff and spend lots of time with games, puzzles, books and movies to enjoy each other before the quarantine life ends and we go back to normal (whatever that means!). Having an almost 10 year old means I am always in fun mom mode, so there is little time for the winter blues or sadness.

I hope everyone transitions from holiday time to winter time safely. I hope the winter blues stay away. I will cherish this time while I have it. I can only go so many places, go so far, and do so much, so I may as well enjoy what I have while I have it. I will appreciate the winter time fun that we make here at home while my kid still thinks I am fun :) Now we just need snow!

all the lights!

Buddy the elf said the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. Not today, Buddy! It's the lights. I don't care how old I get. Driving around for a good lights display is mandatory. We know all the local spots to go to.

There is one particular block in Roscoe that has over 35 trees. The house down from them has almost 40 Snoopys. There are whole subdivisions in Rockton that have lights, sounds and bring all the "Awww!" out. Last night we drove a little further for the lighted fun. We went into Loves Park. 

First, you go through the lights at the Woodward drive through. Those lights have been up since I was a kid. It brings back so many memories. We bypassed the Festival of Lights drive through to go to Sinnissippi Park. The walk through lights there are my favorite. We were able to see the Christmas star and enjoy that as well.

They have signs and arrows directing foot traffic and there were more roped off areas this year, BUT the lights still dazzled. They sparkled. We "oohed" and "aahed". We walked around and didn't freeze to death. Yes, masks stayed on, but that's what the signs said so that's what we did.

I hope everyone finds their moment of joy this holiday season. Whether it's finding the perfect lights display or baking the perfect cookie. I personally know that streaming church live in my living room with my kids and hearing the true story of Christmas will be on my favorites list. I will find joy in all the moments big or small and remember to be grateful for everything this year from sparkling lights to family to our health.

the elf spreadsheet

It only took 6 years, but I finally got smart. I did my research. I planned ahead. I made a checklist, a spreadsheet if you will. I prepared for the darn elf on a shelf! Today PeeWee threw her laundry on the landing over the living room so no one could reach. Silly elf!

Someone I know was noticing that PeeWee was in the same spots and had done some of the same things in the last few years. She can't remember to shut the back door, but she can remember that our elf got stuck in a 20 oz pop bottle two years in a row... HOW?!? I googled funny elf on a shelf ideas and scrolled for the funniest and easiest. Numbered the list 1-25 and started writing. It took all of 20 minutes. 

Fortunately, our elf comes well after Thanksgiving. He typically arrives by December 1st. This year he has rotated between messy shenanigans, hiding in odd places and trying to do the everyday things that we do. I have only forgotten to move him one time (not too shabby!). Yes, it is a pain sometimes, but it's fun. It will only last so long!

Here's to all the elves out there. We know you're planning fun and shenanigans. We know you're tip toeing around for the squeals and giggles in the morning instead of reading or enjoying the last sips of hot tea. We see you. We appreciate you! And just remember that the elf reports back all the nice things he sees to Santa. We are ALL on that list!

tis the season for some baking

When the weather gets cold and you have some time with your favorite little baker, you pull out the recipes from the family cookbook. Shortly after I got married, I asked family members to give me some recipes they love. I was able to get recipes all 4 sides of the family and put them in a little recipe box. We don't use the recipes often, but it's fun to see the names at the tops. We love to make recipes that make us think of our family.

Fast forward to now. We pulled oatmeal chocolate chip cookies out of the box. It is so nice being able to share a hobby with my little lady. This hobby is tasty and doesn't require much money or effort. It teaches patience and paying attention.

Little does everyone else realize, baking teaches math. A lot of math! We worked through the recipe and cut it in half, so there were lots of fractions. So you get bonding, hobbies, family nostalgia, and math. I win!

If we make small batches at a time, we can have freshly baked goods on the counter daily. Do we need them? Nope. Do we care? Nope! Here's three cheers to cookies, families, and memories!

passing down the traditions

Tis the season for traditions. The day after Thanksgiving is the day for turkey pot pie. We kept the tradition alive this year and I remembered to take a picture before we tore into it! We even used our special cookie cutters to decorate it. It was so nice to pass the tradition down to someone who loves to cook, loves to be in the kitchen, and loves to spend mommy time. 

It's not my recipe. It's good ol' Betty Crocker that I wrote down on a notecard in college. I used to spend hours in the library at NIU and discovered an entire section of cookbooks. I would look up all the foods I loved and write the recipes on notecards for when I had a real kitchen and not a dorm kitchen or a tiny apartment kitchen. I have been making this recipe since 2000. 

The pot pie is sacred! It represents my roots and comfort foods, two of my favorite things :) Watching my kid roll her own crust just made me so proud. Sure, I got excited to see her ride a bike and lose her first tooth, but rolling a crust? That's a priceless skill that brings a tear to my eye.

It was tasty. It used up some Thanksgiving leftovers. It is a fun tradition to roll down. We made a mess, but we laughed. We listened to music. We made memories and then we ATE it!

all the fun things to do from home!

When they started to close everything up again, we ran over to the library. Yes, we are those people! They have books, puzzles to borrow, movies, take n make craft kits. What more could a girl ask for? It's a one stop shop for all your boredom and hobby needs.

I grabbed 2 puzzles that my family could do together. This Marvel puzzle looked really cool because we love all the characters and it is so bright and colorful. I put it on the kitchen table because the leaf is in, so we can eat at one end and puzzle on the other. I figured it would take some time but we are always in the kitchen, so it would get done sooner than later. Fast forward to one week later...

This puzzle is taunting me because it's not done yet. Even my 9 year old is starting to look at the puzzle with disdain. She asked how she could help and I said DO THE PUZZLE! We were down to about 100 pieces yesterday out of 1,000. And we had family coming over for dinner and fun. That same family would probably want to sit at the table! 

It took us all day, but by the time family arrived, we were down to 20 or so pieces. They were able to help us finish it and I got some pictures to prove that I am either really crazy or really motivated. This puzzle was fun and challenging, but OH MAN! I may need a puzzle break before we start the next one! Feel free to borrow puzzles from the library, get an audiobook to listen to, or even checkout some music. You never know what you might find!

it's not about what we don't have...

We are coming up on my favorite weekend of the year. It trumps my birthday weekend AND my anniversary weekend! It's truly THAT good. Unfortunately, this year will look extremely different. Lighted Christmas parade weekend means family, fun, and laughter. Each year it gets a bit bigger and more meaningful.

Rockton's lighted Christmas parade is the best. They turned it into a whole weekend of shenanigans for adults and kids alike. Friday night they light the trees in the park and for the last few years, they tacked on an ugly Christmas sweater pub crawl. Saturday is fulled with breakfast with Santa, horse drawn carriage rides, craft fairs, photos with Santa, letters to Santa, and walking around town.

The night time is the piece de la resistance! A lighted Christmas parade where you stake your table at the American Legion and fill up on hot chocolate and snacks before bundling up to head outside for the parade. Everyone knows where our corner is. The kids load up on candy and laughter. Friends travel in from out of town specifically for the occasion.

Sunday is unwind day where you head to Settler's Park to see more sights and get your mug for the hot chocolate crawl with the kids. Maybe you hit up a final craft fair or head to a local church to watch a movie projected on a big wall. You are grateful. Your belly is full. Your heart is hopeful that Santa saw your letter and knows you've been good.

So, about this year... the new word at our house is "wallow." We heard it in a movie and my daughter is using every opportunity to say it when it fits. I wallowed for the loss of my favorite weekend. Yes, I did. I am not even ashamed to say it. BUT, my town being the best EVER made a new plan. 

We will purchase luminaries to light up our sidewalks in lieu of the parade. I even decorated the front door with lights. We may even try a horse drawn carriage ride. Santa's letter will get dropped off. We will embrace what we do have, not what we don't. We will praise the efforts of our town and only momentarily wallow. 

I have hot chocolate, love in my heart, and a healthy family. That's all I need right now. There can be shenanigans. There will be laughter. And we will bundle up to see the painted windows and luminarias instead of the parade. We will make it work because that's what this year has been about.

we waited so patiently for this!

When you realize a new movie hits on Wednesday, you're up and ready to watch it with the sunsrise! As expected, Netflix hit it out of the park! The story continues and we just loved it. I am so grateful the magic is still in this house. We believe!

The fact that Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have been together since my childhood is amazing. Their love and patience for one another just makes this movie more meaningful and special. They both look amazing for their age (whether or not they had work done is not the point). I only hope to have that kind of relationship that continues to grow in love and respect as I age. One of their kids made an appearance in the series and that makes it even more special.

I hope my family always has the magic. I hope we always believe! And if not, hopefully we can continue the tradition of watching Christmas movies with hot chocolate in our bellies and joy in our hearts. My family may not make movies together. We certainly haven't been together over 30 years (yet!). We certainly do have love, patience and respect. And, most importantly, WE BELIEVE!

rad American women

Our girl scout troop is looking at strong female leaders right now. I borrowed this book from a friend to share with them. It was awesome to see all their little eyes light up as we read about athletes, politicians, authors, and so on. My little one loved this book so much that she asked to read it INSTEAD OF WATCHING TV! She kept asking me who some of these great women are and was shocked that I hadn't heard of all of them.

When we promote great women, hopefully we are helping create great women. This book sparked so many conversations and opened so many curiosities. We now have it on our Christmas wishlist! It is an alphabetical list of women to know from all possible fields and walks of life. A short, easy read with bright colors and pictures.

I am trying to raise a rad American woman. I want her to see no limits and want to explore all her potential, just like the ladies in this book. I want her to question things and find her own solutions. I want her to be a leader, a friend, and kind. I want her to make a difference. I want her to be polite, but not get walked on. I want her to be unique and dress as crazy as she wants knowing other women will lift her up if anyone tries to scuff up her crown. 

This post is for all the rad lady hustlers making their way through and for all the mini hustlers who are kicking butt at remote learning, smiling through constant changes, and learning new ways to be awesome. 

it's time to get ignorant

Let me start by saying that Becoming Minimalist is one of the best sites I follow. It's most definitely not about getting rid of all your things and living some indie existence. It is about getting rid of mental clutter and stress as well. As we approach the holiday seasons in the year of the Covid, and it also happens be a voting year, I am constantly trying to avoid news, conversations, or situations that are stress inducing. Some days this is easier than others. At home I have the ability to turn off the news or turn down the radio. It's not like that everywhere else.

I have confirmed plans for the holidays that are reasonable and safe with only family, yet lots of fun and love. You do you, but I will be home with a small group of close family. I am okay with that. My child is okay with that. We want to stay safe and celebrate. That is manageable. It will definitely look different: no parade, no hot chocolate walk, no packing the house full of extended family. That is okay, though. For this year, it will have to be.

I do not plan to keep up with it all. I just can't. Even in an normal year, there are things we avoid and places we don't go. Why trudge through the mall when it's always packed and stressful when there's breakfast with Santa and Santa at the Christmas party? Even as I think about this, there will be a drive through breakfast with Santa and most definitely no Christmas party. We will make that work. It will be okay.

The focus this year is on love and togetherness. We choose safety and reason. I have to focus on myself, my family, and our needs. I don't need the biggest, fastest, bestest whatever is happening or whatever item is the hottest. I just want to sip hot chocolate in front of my fireplace and binge Netflix, play games, have a laugh, and avoid stress by realizing I don't need to be a part of it.

Fingers crossed! Let's all get ignorant ;)

you can't stop us now!

Some weeks feel long. Some weeks feel short. We are like the little engines that could right now. "I think I can, I think I can!" We managed another Covid filled holiday with minimal disruption and lots of laughter. I am so grateful for the creativity and patience of those around us who were willing and patient to adjust their regular routines and plans so kids could safely have Halloween.

The name of the game right now is stay one step ahead and get creative! Work offers new ways to go to meetings, relay information, be successful. Then there are the extra curriculars. Did you pack a mask? A smile? A snack? A positive attitude? Hand sanitizer? Staying creative and informed just makes my life so much easier.

Working out in my free time, jumping ahead on my holiday charity project, decluttering, reading, all of these are keeping me afloat, sane, and on target to be the best I can be daily. My little minion is picking up on the clues and has started reading more. She is currently loving a new video game we got her. She is asking how she can help or what she can do without being asked. We are a (fairly) well-oiled machine most days. 

Today I would like to thank my local library allowing my daughter calm down time. I would like to thank my crockpot for cooking my dinner while I work all day. I would like to thank The Biggest Loser game for making me do squats, burpees, and other things I normally loathe to get my energies out. I would like to thank grocery pick up services for saving us time and stress.

Tis the season for thanks, gratitude and love. Even though some days I want to mic drop and just be done, I can't stop. I won't stop. I will relax. I will be grateful. I will be hardworking. I will lead by example. And I will make sure that my mini me sees all the cool things this world has to offer through video chats and scripted playdates, crafts and down time, instead of living in fear and loathing of the dreaded Covid...

passing the torch

When the state gives you an entire day off to vote, you plan to vote early and make the most of your day! We decided to ride our bikes to go rock the vote, then come back for a day of fun. Why bother with Netflix and chill. Maybe a girly spa day? Nope.

We rearranged the den for maximum fun and that's where we shall begin. What started with: vote, read a little, get some lunch has become: do it ALL. She even wrote it in order of fun. THEN she went back and labelled. This is a girl after my own heart! The labelling and details are reminiscent of my own life. Neat and orderly (on paper, at least!) with lists everywhere.

"Do we have to vote, though? We have so much fun planned." Uh, yes! We do! I told her it is our patriotic duty to vote. For women, this is important. Susan B Anthony would be so proud :) 

We can have fun afterwards. Clearly, my morning has been laid out for me. I plan to pass the torch for my little go-getter organizer. She, too, loves making lists and organizing. I need to pass the torch tomorrow and show her that we can work and play and make a difference all in one morning!

it's almost time...

I pick up my kid from school last week and she says, "Do you know what the kids at school are talking about?" Oh, geez. If that's not a loaded statement, I don't know what is! I went through the list in my head and decided that this may not be that bad. Then again...

She said the kids are talking about Santa and the stuff that comes with that. I asked her what she thought about all of it. She said that it cannot be true because she has heard bells and laughter on Christmas eve. She says that she has even stayed up late and saw glimpses of red. I said, "Okay then. Maybe they're just messing with you." 

So she is questioning things. She is nine, almost ten. The timing is right. I just want one more magical Christmas with the milk and cookies, the letter, the breakfast with Santa pictures and all the innocence and cuteness. Once it's over, it is over. 

I remember figuring it out and telling my aunt. I remember the exact conversation we had. Thirty years later, I remember listening to her gentle explanation and figuring it all out. I was either nine or ten. I am not ready! I just cannot mentally prepare myself for this!

Each passing day is a day closer to her first job, dates, prom, graduation, college, wedding, babies, growing up. Nope. Nope. Nope. If you need me, I will be holed up in my house with everything locked down until December 26th! In the words of Clark W. Griswold, "We're gonna have the hap hap happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny F-ing Kaye!"

It's fine. We're going to be fine. It's just fine. Every mom experiences this. I am just not ready yet. Did I mention I'm fine?

kitchen fun

We had a rainy day and needed to do something fun. The best part of these moments is that I don't need to look far for fun entertainment. We have science kits, weaving kits, inventor kits, sewing kits, bracelet making kits, you name it. On this particular day, I looked into the big pile of stuff that doesn't get used as much. We settled on the Big Bag of Science Fun.

There were so many ideas in the book that we didn't even know where to start. Whoever came up with these things deserves a huge bonus check! The directions are easy to read and understand. There are mini lessons about what types of science you are using. There are pictures and fun facts.

One of the experiments was one we used to do a lot when she was younger. It's even easier than baking soda and vinegar explosions (it smells better, too). You fill a pan or bowl with corn starch. Slowly add warm water until the consistancy feels like honey. Your fingers will get stuck like it's quicksand. Then the more you play with it, the more it drips. 

Voila. Homemade quicksand. Cheap and easy with no smells. It wipes up easy, too. For a 9 year old that is in love with science, this was the experiment that lastest the longest with the most smiles. I have to remember that sometimes the little things are the big things for little people. Fun is not about specific items. Sometimes it's about seeing what you have and working with that. 

another mom panic moment

I am hoping that everyone has had that particular moment of panic. You don't have to be a mom to have the moment where you think you missed something! This morning we were on our A game: hot breakfast, packed mask, good mood. Check, check, check. It was going so well! I was even checking out the side window to keep an eye out in case the bus came early.

It's simple. We get up a little earlier than needed and that's what works. Now we have time for braids, extra breakfast, whining, whatever ;) The bus comes across the street from our driveway so I can look out the window and see everything. I win.

We get outside and notice no neighbors waiting. Well... we were only 4 minutes early. They recommend 5 minutes. I know! Pure chaos! So then the doubt sets in. Are we early? Are we late? Where is everyone? I ran back in to check the time. Nope. We are on time... I have time to drive her to school, but she likes her routine and I don't want to mess with that. 

Right as I am about to check the bus app, our favorite driver rolls down the road. Why does this make me panic? If she missed the bus, it would've been our fault. Yet, it would've been okay. We all would've been to work and school on time. Can I just breathe for a second and realize that it's okay to not be perfect before 8am?!

I know that how a kid starts their morning changes their whole day and their whole mindset so we keep it happy and light. No need to tick off the bus driver or teacher because we had a tough morning. It is okay. It will always be okay. I just need to chill out and realize I got this and my best is the best that anyone is going to get. And to think, I freaked out about a bus... 

figuring out how to do it all

Every once in awhile, my cup starts to empty. It's okay. It's expected. Most days I know when to take a step back or when to soldier on. Some days, I forget and go full force. This leads to mental chaos and some negative repercussions. 

This last week has been A WEEK. I was overwhelmed and feeling pulled and stretched in too many directions. I had a moment or two and may have turned off my phone indefinitely. I definitely had some afternoon wine (that is wine in a fancy glass drank before it is socially acceptable to do so!). It got better, though.

I have this perception of myself that I cannot falter, cannot lose it, cannot have a moment. I don't know why, but I do. I fully enforce a woman's right to be a bad ass, a lazy ass, or a crazy ass. Whatever works for you. I just don't always follow my own rules.

I saw this picture and realized it was a right place, right time thing. I needed to see this. It reminds me to take a deep breath and roll with it. Emails can wait. Texts can wait. If I need to sit for 5 minutes and deep breathe, it is okay. The world will not stop turning. People can carry on without me if needed.

The nice thing is that I decided to order takeout because I just didn't want to cook. I wanted to get takeout and chill out with my kid and play with slime. So I look like fun mom because we got subs and sodas. I got cool mom points because we had more time to play with slime. I was good mom because I was able to relax and enjoy something fun and stress relieving while spending some QT with my cutie and she was none the wiser.

Don't forget to keep your cups full during these stressful times! Do whatever you need to do. We will wait for you :)

thinking twice makes us extra nice

We have all been in a situation where you get invited somewhere and have to check the calendar first. Well, thanks to Covid, we ask more than just what date and time. The list includes: Where? Inside or out? How many people? Is everyone well? Is everyone comfortable with that?

Our family calendar is usually full of fun. This year has been a time for new fun in the form of bike rides, parks, outdoor or digital play dates, take out, camping verses hotel stays, day trips instead of plane trips. We have canceled trips, concerts, festivals, baseball games, and much more. But we still smile. We still laugh. We still enjoy. Covid can't take all that away, too!

And now we just add an additional layer of courtesy in the mix. Thank you, but not this time. We appreciate you thinking of us. Do you mind if we stay outside? Thanks for your support on this.

Maybe, just maybe, all of this will remind us to be kind. Just think twice to be extra nice. To choose kind. Kind words. Courtesy. Empathy. Remembering that we are all in the same storm, but we are each steering our own boats. And what makes people feel better, happier, calmer than kindness and nice???

we will miss you, RBG!

I am honored to live in an era flourishing with kick ass women. From my ladies in my family to my friends to local and global leaders to inspiring women paving the way in their own fields, there are lots of women to be inspired by these days. I am proud to be a woman during these times. Some may not agree, but this is how I feel.

My daughter and I love embracing all the fun things that come with being women. I try to explain things as they come so that she can understand. She goes voting with me. She knows that makeup is not a mask. It is simply a fun way to highlight your beauty. We cook and bake, but not because of some societal stereotype. We do it because we love it. We are protectors, providers, and fierce members of the working class because we can. Not because it's an expectation.

I am sad that we lost a true leader. We lost an inspiration. We lost someone who made me feel even better about being who I am. I am sad that my 9 year old will never see the lovely Ms Ginsburg in action. If you're not familiar with this legend, hit up google immediately! 

Be proud to be women! Work. Or not. Bake. Or not. Get all dolled up. Or not. Vote. There is no or not here! (Thank you, Susan B Anthony!) And every time you are proud, thank RBG for all the rights and privileges we have been afforded recently :)

in the fall, we call it football season

Last Sunday was a great day. The NFL is back! Even though it was really nice weather, we equate Sundays with football in this house! The Bears pulled a win and we root for anyone playing against the Packers. I even stayed up to watch the entire Cowboys game and even though they lost, there was still a smile on my face knowing that my normal routine is safely back in action. 

On my Facebook memories this morning were pictures of a homecoming parade from years back and I just realized that I haven't seen or heard any local football. I see the local high schoolers practicing after school. They were out on the field a lot this summer. I just never forwarded that thought to a season. And then it occurred to me that it's Homecoming season...

These poor kids lost prom and graduation and now, apparently, Homecoming. Homecoming is the time honored tradition of rivalries and loyalties, dancing and camaraderie. As sad as I am that I lost a trip or birthday plans, I am sad more and more for our kids. I can rebook a trip or postpone a party, but you can't relive high school (and I would NEVER want to do that!). I hope that every kid is happy in their educational journey right now. I hope the schools and communities rally together and find alternatives to the traditions. When I was in high school, we painted the windows of all the local shops downtown. That won't happen this year. 

I don't know what I can do. I will think on it. I know a lot of great people who have big ideas. I do know that if we don't rally together as a community, as a whole, as a world, we are going to lose a lot more than Homecoming fun. Stay strong everyone! Stay smiling! Stay on your couch Sundays and do what we have been doing for a long time (especially if you're a Bears or a Cowboys fan), have faith in something!

back to the bus!

A lot of people did a lot of things to get our kids back to school safely. Some kids are staying home and some are heading to school. Those who are heading back may be taking the bus. This is the first thing I think of when I think of my kid on a bus! Why are people in such a rush when they could just leave earlier or be more patient?

We are so lucky that we got the same bus driver as last year. He is a wonderful man that is kind and patient with the kids. He addresses them by name and always makes us laugh. My daughter's best friend is e-learning so she doesn't have a bus bestie any more. Our bus driver switched her seat so she can sit near another girl her age.

Make sure you thank a bus driver this year!

taking time to just breathe

I saw this on Facebook and it really struck me. I have a wonderful life, regardless of what my face may convey at any given moment. This quote made me think about the last 6 months. We were thrown into this Covid quarantine with minimal warning. I mean, I was with family on a Sunday and Monday I was told I would no longer be able to work in my building. Sure, we prepared for groceries, toilet paper, and other necessities, but we thought it would be a short stint and then it would all go back to normal...

Throughout the whole quarantine, we were able to stay positive. We chose to focus on family and fun, instead of what we were losing/canceling/missing out on. That was a conscious effort, though. That mindset took work and we were willing to work at it for the sake of our family, our sanity, and our happiness. Now that face to face school is back in session, we are again faces with uncertainty, doubts and questions. 

We have prepared and will maintain positive attitudes by choice. I can find joy in the fact that my daughter gets to see her friends again. I will find joy in job security and the love and support of my family. I will let go of old images of first days of school and roll on with these new norms. I have my moments, but I cannot live in my doubts and fears. I cannot live in my negative thoughts. That is not going to set a good example. That is not going to be productive or useful.

The story I am living is mine and mine alone. We are all in the storm together, but everyone is in their own boat steering their own paths. If we can just be patient and gracious, then maybe we can all make it out of this experience as stronger and better people finding new joy along the way...

apple orchard fun

The apple orchards are open, so it is game on for unlimited donuts, fun snacks, and general leisure time! At one point, Curran's apple orchard had award winning apple cider slushies. They still taste amazing! We were disappointed the bee hive at Curran's was gone, but they added more cuteness, so we were okay with no bees. Even getting away for a quick hour to have a snack and some fun is a long enough outing to make it enjoyable. I mean, these places are down the road from us, so why not?!

In addition to mini mazes, wood cutouts for photos, animals to feed and apple launching, they brought back the bags sets to play and they now have huge tic tac toe tables. The dogs still roam free and face painting is a must. Check out the loft upstairs for kitschy coffee mugs and other assorted gift ideas with funny sayings.

Of course, after we got a snack and played we decided to hit up Edward's West. We were still able to see animals and play, get lots of photos and more donuts. And, just like Curran's, you only need a mask inside. We got the picture in front of the big signs and the size charts, which are a yearly must. We will be back soon. In the midwest, any day at the orchard is a good one. Even though it's not brisk yet, it's something about the donuts and cider slushies that keeps us happy!

getting up to Devil's Lake

Getting outside has always been the name of the game. Are you stressed? Bored? Feeling lazy? Frustrated? Sleepless? Get outside. Even breathing fresh air is better than nothing. We went to Devil's Lake this weekend to celebrate a Birthday outdoors-style. 

Devil's Lake is by far my favorite place in Wisconsin. It's God's Country. The thousand foot rock faces, the crystal clear lake, all the types and shades of trees just remind me that we are merely specks on a map and only one part of a bigger picture. You pick a bluff and you start moving. Soon it's just you and the sound of your beating heart against the wind, trees, and rocks. 

You have to focus and watch your step. You have to walk cautiously and keep your balance. When you're in the bluffs, don't step back too far or you're going down. It's like a naturistic, poetic lesson in life. The whole time you're climbing, the beach may be packed or the campgrounds may be booked solid, but you would never know.

We have been hiking here with our daughter for at least 3 years. Each year she gets more confident and stronger, so we can go further. Each year she gains more endurance and adventure. It's a lovely progression to see how far she has come in all the pictures. She has to pay attention. She has to watch her step. She has to pace herself and be patient. Hiking is teaching her things that I sometimes can't. 

Next year she wants to climb up the side of the rock face to reach the top. She wants to rappel. She wants to be adventurous and because of her sense of adventure, I will look into it. We want to encourage her as long as something is safe. She wants to come back and do more which makes me so happy because I love it!

We had fun with minimal effort. No money spent. No reservations made. We wore old shoes and smiles on our faces. I can't wait to see how far we can go next year. Remember that nature is good for you. And free!

rubik's cube has a game!

We got this game because Y care has it and, "It's just SO fun!" It was worth the effort. If you need to just sit down and take a quick 10 minutes, then this is your game. There's no logic, rhyme, or reason to this. It is simply colors and patterns.

You put the tiles in however you want and leave an empty spot in the middle. Then shake the plastic case and see where the mini tiles land. The first person to move their big tiles to look like the mini tiles without picking them up or pulling them out wins. Super simple. We both notice colors, patterns and designs well, so this is a fun little game to play. 

Summer is coming to a close so we will be playing as much as possible. This includes games and other fun. I couldn't handle a real Rubik's Cube so this works!

we love science

We are science people. We just love science experiments, shows, museums, anything we can get our hands on. We even hosted an 8th birthday party with a science theme for this cute little diva. STEM camp is a summer must, even though camp was canceled this summer for obvious reasons.

We had the chance to go to Tommy Bartlett's Exploratory in the Dells. Yes, we wore masks. Yes, we social distanced. Yes, we used hand sanitizer at every spot. And, yes, we had a safe and fun time. The tickets were "free" and expire this winter, so now was as good a time as any!

The displays are similar to that of the Discovery Center in Rockford, just smaller. There are tons of interactive displays and hands-on learning displays. I firmly believe that children should be exposed to learning through fun whenever possible, especially girls with the sciences. Running after this one to the tune of, "Look at this! What's that? Oooh, I want to try!" was worth the effort of the masks, getting prepared for the day, and excessive amounts of hand sanitizer.

Anyone looking for science fun should check out any STEM camps, girl scout camps, Rockford's Discovery Center, Rockford's Burpee Museum, Tommy Bartlett's Exploratory, or the thousands of other midwestern offerings for science fun with the kids. Science kits and experiments helped get us through the quarantine. Never would I have expected to watch webinars and spend the days creating marshmallow launchers, tents, robots, games, and other fun creations. Most options are free online. Check YouTube or google STEM. You will thank me!

the new fort

Welcome to the new fort we got! The beauty of social media is that people give stuff away for free. For freeeeee! The original owners had it painted purple and put new roofing on. We sided it, painted the bell tower and painted/decorated the inside.

Now we have a girl hangout, a beanie boo school, a tiny house. If we would have moved it ten feet closer to the house, it would even be Wifi equipped! In an unsure world we can be sure of one thing: smiles are still available at my house! We are still making fun any way we can!

flower mazes are the best

Has anyone noticed that their phone might be listening in? I KNOW I am not the only one. We heard about a sunflower maze that was fun and by dinner three different Facebook posts for sunflower mazes popped up and I saw two ads in my emails. Oh, they're listening, all right. And if I am that entertaining, then carry on. I will turn the volume up :)

On to the sunflowers, though. Hebron, Illinois has a maze with a petting zoo and we heard it was fun. We were also going to tack on an afternoon of swimming because I have a friend who lives 10 minutes from there. What are the odds? Well, Sunday a storm blew through and it wasn't good. We changed plans Monday morning right at go time.

We ended up at Skelly's in Janesville, WI. Now, as a local girl, I should be up on local activities and such. I honestly only just heard of this place recently and visiting has never really come up. We figured we would give it a go. It had a cute farm feel that was very reminiscent of Edward's West. The maze had 2 options and the one we chose had a free sunflower (you choose it and clip it) plus a free donut in the shop. What more could these girls ask for?!?

We had an apple cider donut sundae and coffee cookies n cream ice cream. It was heaven! Smelling the various wax melts wasn't the easiest with a mask, but we picked a citrus sage scent to finish off summer break nicely. Everyone was pleasant and it was better than I could have expected. My only regret was not buying the tea towels with the funny, kitschy sayings.

It's almost August, which means it is almost back to school. We are still smiling. We are still grateful for all the extra family and bonding time we have been able to have. We have enjoyed summer. And we can all agree that sunflowers are happy flowers, so every time we walk past our new bouquet, we have more reasons to smile than ever.

back to school attitudes

My favorite time is around the corner. Back to school shopping is so much fun. All the colorful notebooks and post-its signify all the fresh, new starts. The lovely lines on the notebook leave room for notes, lists, hopes, and dreams. Fresh pens and pencils with cute designs... we love it!!!

However, this upcoming school year is going to be interesting. We plan to buy all the supplies. We even have masks in various styles, colors, and patterns. We all have one for each school or work day. We are looking forward to 4th grade with a cool new backpack and a positive attitude.

We have practiced wearing masks,  discussed decorum, and questioned who future teachers will be. We have discussed how things will be different this year. I hope PE with masks will be effective. I hope the sparkle and shine of a new year will still be the norm despite social distancing and masks. I hope my school loving, smiley little lady will still have the thirst for learning and the excitement for new experiences and new knowledge.

The funniest part of it all is the school supplies list. We are only required to buy ONE notebook and it has to be red. So all those lovely unicorn notebooks, funny emoji notebooks and glittery notebooks get put aside for red. Plain old red. The most disappointed face I have ever seen is when I read the list and said, "One red notebook." And she said, "No! Can't you call someone? Maybe they will let me try another color!"

THIS IS GOING TO BE A GOOD SCHOOL YEAR! We are going to make it that way no matter what. If the only glitch we have is a disappointment for a red notebook, then it is going to be okay! And, of course, we made a red mask to match the red notebook :)

an ode to a messy kitchen

The fresh zucchini meant fresh zucchini bread and I have an amazing recipe for Zucchini carrot bread. Everyone loves it (thank you, Pillsbury!!). Since we had time, the junior chef decided to pull out her new cookbook and chose to bake mini apple bundt cakes. And since we don't actually own bundt pans, we did mini cupcakes with shaped, silicon cupcake tins.

This is what a kitchen with two bakers now looks like. I must say, it wasn't as messy as I expected. The apples went to compost and the egg shells were crushed and sprinkled in the garden (we teach being green AND being resourceful here!). She read and followed her recipe and I read and followed mine. I even generously shared the use of the Kitchenaid mixer for her ease and I mixed by hand. Now THAT is love!

A rule of thumb is to call out the measurements as you go so you don't miss anything. Once my breads were in the oven, I assisted her work. We realized that 6 tablespoons of oil is NOT optional and that got added. In addition to the 3rd egg. She thought it said 2...

She measured and mixed the powdered sugar glaze, put the food in the oven AND pulled it out by herself. She measured: math. She baked: science. She had to troubleshoot: real life! She cleaned messes: Health??? I was so proud. She even licked the entire batter spoon clean.

So it was hot this afternoon, yet we baked. Mistakes were made, but we laughed about it. Spills were made, but we laughed about it. Ever spilled flour on a black lab? It was kind of hilarious. Ever watch a dog get excited to eat spilled flour and then realize it's NOT sugar? It was kind of hilarious.

If all my days were spent like this, I would be the happiest ever. I would love to bottle up the 9-year-old-going-on-19's cute sweetness and keep it forever. Rumor has it they don't stay little for long :( If letting her cook, bake and also clean keeps her happy, content and glad to hang with mommy, then bring on the next baking project! 

Follow up: zucchini bread is fantastic. Apple cupcakes are unique and chewy. We will try them again when I can supervise fully on the measurements!

produce season is here!

It's produce season! My little lady tends to our garden everyday. She waters it and refills the bird bath while I weed and tend to the bird feeders. We got these plants from our local plant stand, Bud and Sue's, in Roscoe. I have been riding my bike to Bud and Sue's since I was 10. That's almost 30 years and they're still going strong!

We picked out 4 kinds of bell peppers and 1 zucchini plant. The tomato plants came from a neighbor who started them from seed himself. We wanted to plant a spaghetti garden in year 1 just to make it easy. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any onion plants, but we did plant chives and basil. We will definitely be ready for canning season!

Watching a nine year old get excited about gardening and nature is kind of fun. She has a morning routine that includes the garden. She gets to pick the plants when they're ready. She has her own gardening gloves. We had picked all the black raspberries that grow on our lot and made jelly. Now it's time for gardening.

She doesn't mind getting dirty. She actually enjoys crushing up the egg shells we sprinkle on each week. I am hoping this will be another skill or hobby she will pick up and enjoy due to all the Covid/quarantine stuff. It would be one more positive thing to come out of all this. And ALL the spaghetti sauce we will be enjoying :)

a little hike

When you're driving through Wisconsin, you take every opportunity to stop and see nature. We have a truck full of bikes and where do we stop? A trail that doesn't allow bikes! Go figure. Yesterday was the day to get out and about, so we decided to do the red route on the trail (say THAT name five times fast!).

It said it was about 2.3 miles, so despite sandals we all had on, we did it. Lots of rocks, lots of slopes and hills, lots of cool nature sounds. An hour later, we had seen the lookout bluffs and I came to the conclusion I need to workout more. My favorite part was reminding my little hiking buddy to stay quiet so we could see and hear lots of animals. And what did my hiking buddy do? She growled. And snorted. And giggled. 

We didn't see any animals, but we heard lots of things scurrying away from all the foreign sounds they were hearing from us. All in all, it was a success. Another park checked off the list. Another trail accomplished. Another memory made amongst the year of memorable events. 

Nature is still open, still free, and still good for you. I would rather have a growling, giggling hiking buddy than have no one to hike with at all. My hope is that she is always free spirited, always adventurous, and always down for some nature therapy. Fingers crossed :) Happy hiking everybody!

the power of YET

The power of YET. I read this today and it was so powerful. I need to hear this, read this, remind myself of this time and again. In all that we have seen and experienced since March, it has been difficult at times to stay positive. YET, I know better days are coming. 

We make plans that get cancelled. We book things that don't happen. We play the waiting game on a lot of things. Yet, despite it all, we are okay. We stay positive. We stay informed. We stay humble.

We use the term YET when we get disappointed about cancellations. We use the term YET when thinking about school, special outings, trips, our futures. YET is powerful! I needed to read this line today. Rachel Hollis knows her stuff.

If you aren't familiar with her blog, social media, books, jump on it. Immediately! You will feel better. You will feel the power of YET. You will enjoy it. I promise :)

pirates and memories

Nothing screams "camping trip in Michigan" quite like a pirate ship! Or maybe it doesn't?! We were able to drive a few hours away to Michigan for a quiet little camping trip. Minus parts of the drive through Chicago, it was a good drive with lots to see. Northern Illinois is so close to so many great vacation spots that a short drive is worth the haul.

Camping for this family is the usual: grilling, hiking, biking, games, and an outing of some sort. We hit up a lighthouse in a quaint little town and as we secured prime spots on the docks for pictures that were socially distanced, this pirate ship rolls past. It was huge and everyone did a collective gasp as they stared in awe.

Add this to the ice cream stand we found on the beach and it was a successful sightseeing outing from the campground. The beauty of Google is that you can stay in a rustic campground and feel tucked away from society, but still whip out your phone for a quick outing (and check the rising temperatures!).

I hope my daughter still embraces the nature first, low tech camping trips we have established as she grows up. There is nothing more bonding or refreshing as cold ice cream paired with silly giggles and nighttime smores over a roaring fire with campfire games. These are the memories that we are creating. These are the memories that will last. 

Not to mention all the life skills, cooking lessons, fire safety, and camping tips that we have taught her along the way. And, sometimes if you're lucky, you'll see the occasional pirate to top off a great, low key vacation. 

Getting outside

SO many things are getting cancelled. The list keeps piling up and I can no longer keep track. It is saddening, heartbreaking, frustrating, and any other adjective you wish to insert. We had so many plans. There was so much we wanted to do!

But then... I remember we are happy, healthy, and well. We are safe. We are together. We are sane. We have access to everything we need. 

I took a deep breath and made a deal with myself to try to stay positive. I realized family time isn't cancelled. Friendships aren't cancelled. Nature isn't cancelled. Creativity isn't cancelled. 

We can hike, bike, kayak, walk, sightsee,  and do a whole slew of fun stuff outside. That's the new goal. We want to try all the outside fun that we can while we can. Vitamin D is good for you. Just look at outside time as another way to get your vitamins :) 

Dad's Day

Someone I know spent HOURS creating a perfect Father's Day experience for her dad. She had mock up menus, she practiced her handwriting styles until she picked just the right one, and she googled meal prices to charge him exact amounts for her home cooked breakfast, lunch, and snack options (I get to handle dinner- that didn't go well, but I insisted). There is even a spa day menu complete with back massage and your choice of music and diffuser smells. 

I remember putting all these creative efforts into special days when I was a kid and I am glad my daughter has the heart and creativity to do the same. This is all we have talked about for a week. Everything had to be just so, just right, so daddy would know how much she loves him. And I am the trusty sous chef, assistant, and guide as she caters her dad through a day built just for him.

She referenced her kid's cookbook for just the right menu choices and even helped me order groceries so everything would be perfect. She wrote and rewrote everything. She wrapped the Monopoly money in with the card so he can pay for his day. Sass and attitude are all gone today, so everyone wins!

What better way to say I love you than breakfast in bed with hot coffee. Or maybe with a lunch she prepped and cooked herself. She is on the ready waiting for him to get thirsty, bored, hungry, or anything else so that she can do or grab things for her dad.

If you actually look up the definition of Father, it's not saying a lot. A dad is someone who goes beyond a DNA match. A dad has a bond, a special place in your heart, he is the drier of tears, the keeper of secrets, the planner of fun, a coach, a ballet enthusiast and so much more. 

There are so many important people in our daughter's life who help her and love her. We are indebted to them, their guidance, and their love. They help her and mentor her time and time again. They are uncles, cousins, buddies, teachers, grandpas, coaches, etc. We are lucky and blessed to know them all. 

We want to wish everyone a very happy Father's Day. I hope everyone gets catered to, waited on, doted on, and loved not only today, but all year through :)

a whole new world

Summer break is a time for fun, relaxation, and lots of adventures. It is easy to make your own fun because there's always tons to do and many places to go. We typically love going to the programs at the library, Discovery Center and Burpee Museum, music in the park, zoos, parks and pools. This summer is shaping up to look a lot different. Most of the places on the above list aren't even open!

Now we plan to go to curbside pick up at the library. They have everything ready to go and checked out for you without you even leaving the car. It's the same for our favorite ice cream spot. Dairy Haus now has curbside pick up as well. If you're really smart, you have the books and the ice cream ready to pick up at the same time!

The pools may be closed, but lakes and rivers aren't. State parks are open. Hiking, biking, and camping are open. Laughter in the sprinkler, arboretums, and window shopping are still available. Fun can still be had with a little more effort and thought.

I read an article from a mom listing things she will do this summer and NOT apologize over. Getting ice cream often was on the list. I don't know this mom, but I fully agree. Summer rules are different than the other rules. Ice cream is a staple for a fun summer! There are so many places, so many choices, yet so little time. 

I truly believe that summer memories are created in the little moments. Sharing some ice creams while swinging in the hammock sounds like a great place to start. Here are some of the crazy ice cream combos we tried out today. Again, it's all about the memories! We have to try them all, just for the sake of the memories :) This summer WILL be fun. It will be memorable. It WILL be filled with ice creams and NO apologies!

my secret spot

Before it got hot yesterday, we went on a bike ride. Same ol', same ol', but we finally got off and walked down by the water. If you go under the big trees by the dam in town it feels like you're in your own special place. I love it and now she does, too!

It's not really that cool or that special, but I love it. I would go there when I was a kid and tool around. And now my kid can do the same. She needs an ending point on every bike, hike, or ride so I had to entice her with my wooded waterland and she was in.

We walked along and a saw a toad, tons of black and red birds, but no fish or minnows. It was so peaceful listening to the rushing water and making up stories of people who used to live off the land. We took a bunch of pictures and tried to capture the sunlight. It was a great little outing!

UNFORTUNATELY... people have been holing up down there doing who knows what. All the mini fire pits were neatly put out. But then the Gatorade bottles, wrappers, cigarette butts and diapers started up. Who walks across a small bridge and down the water's edge to the middle of nowhere with a baby?! There were quite a few diapers left. Ew. Disrespctful. Gross. Bad for the water, the fish, everything. 

There are so many bad things going on these days and going outside in nature is one thing keeping us happy, healthy and mentally strong. The least people can do is pick up their own garbage. We plan to go back with a garbage bag and gloves and sticks to pick up what we can. You should leave nature better than you find it. 

I cannot control much these days, but THIS is what we can control. Helping something, some way, some how. Making nature beautiful for the next family and bonding with some mother-daughter time along the way. These are the moments we remember. The conversations we have and the laughter we share is just one more amazing way I can show my daughter I love her. And if she is passionate about picking up garbage to make the Earth healthier, then I am in because we try to find beauty and happiness everywhere we go.

Maybe if everyone starts small and focuses on one small thing they can do to better their world, their community, their home, themselves, then all the little things will add up to some big changes... I will just leave that thought there. :) 

As long as I remember that my happy place starts with bare feet and rushing water (with clean landscapes), I know that I will always be able to find happiness.

fun, free weekend in Wisco

After being cooped up in the house through cold, wind, snow, and now extreme heat, we were excited to get out and enjoy nature. Free fun weekend in Wisconsin is always a good time. Biking trails are free, fishing is free, and entry to state parks is free.

We went up to Yellowstone State Park for the first time and it was great. If you don't mind an easy route with some slight inclines, try hiking Timber. The trails were really clear and there was lots to see. They have bat houses everywhere so thw bigs weren't even that bad.

Next up was lounging on the beach with kayak rides compliments of our little blow up kayak. You can't even make up a good day like we had! Grilling out, digging in the sand, laughing and chatting... It was great. Vitamin D really does do the body good. 

Just don't forget sunscreen. We got that far and then forgot the reapply step! With only an hour (ish) drive and a quick stop near Monroe for gas and cheese curds, I would say this was a great day. Next time we will actually spend the night and see how that goes.

Summer fun has officially begun and my heart is full, tan lines are back and sleep is even easier!!!

What is happening?

I can't sleep. Again. Could it possibly be that the world as we know it is going all sorts of topsy turvy? I came to terms with the Covid outbreak and cancelling plans, hotel stays, and holidays. I embraced the quarantine with solid resolve to come out better than when I went in. I complained minimally and smiled frequently, knowing that we are all sifting through the same storm. And now a new storm is brewing.

A major racial injustice has occurred and my heart aches. I am sad for the victim, I am sad for his family, I am sad that someone thought those actions were justifiable, I am sad that this is what our nation has become. Not everyone, though. Not everywhere. And not every time. However, watching the news, my Facebook feed, listening to people of different races and cultures speak out is eye opening and heart-wrenching.

I choose to live in my own happy little bubble. I admit that. It is very easy to turn off the news when it gets disturbing or ignore it. Well, folks, this is hard to ignore. Very much so. People are upset and rightfully so. People are rioting. Violence is occurring. Looting and pandemonium are ensuing.

Peaceful protests are occurring out there, though. People are getting their point across. People are realizing that if we truly just stop to see each other, hear each other, and respect each other, then change can happen. There are people speaking out about how to make changes. People are speaking their truth and it is shocking. We need to hear it. We need to accept that changes be made.

We teach our daughter to respect everyone. We teach her to be nice, share, use kind words, and choose kind. She sees differences in people and embraces that. She asks questions of color, culture, and so on. We answer as honestly as her age will allow. I hope she always stays open-minded, openhearted, and thought provoking. I hope she can grow up in a peaceful world and not have to fear going to a store for fear of violence or fear speaking her truth for fear of indifference. I hope she is always able to view the world as she does now, with a heart full of possibilities and the ability to see people for who they are, not how they look.

I am an avid reader, so I tie a lot of things into what I read from a book. There are so many books that kids read about acceptance, right verses wrong, and equality. Are adults reading these? Did the rules of kindergarten stop applying somewhere along the way? The quote I keep hearing over and over in my head is, "When given the choice between being right and being kind, CHOOSE KIND." -Wonder

The other thing that keeps popping into my head is the "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten." The last word is LOOK. It's easy. Look at the world with a kind heart that is open to possibilities, differences, change, acceptance. Don't look away when you should be helping. Look to others to make changes if you can't start them on your own. Look for help and know that kind people are everywhere. Not every police officer is the same. Not every civilian is the same. Not every white person is the same, just as not every black or brown person is not the same. Just because we don't all look the same doesn't mean we can't all co-exist the same. We have to look for acceptance. We must try harder. We must teach this at home. And early. And often.

Just choose kind. And if that is too much, then remember the rules of kindergarten :) It takes a village and I am willing to work on it just like everyone else should.

New outdoor adventures day!

We got outside today and checked out some new spots. We were able to hike on some cliffs along the water in Beloit. Big Hill park is now on our permanent rotation for outdoor fun! It was so reminiscent of some hikes we loved in Tennessee and we were 2 towns over. 

Did you know that there's a nature area in South Beloit? It's a nice little walk with a stream educational signs and play areas. An Eagle Scout created a nature area with sticks, bark, benches and more so little kids can build and create with nature. It's only a bike ride away for us, so I see a lot of this area in our future. We stopped by here on the way home from Beloit to check it out. 

Between Rock Cut State park and all the hiking places in between, this summer is going to be great. I don't care about face masks, social distancing, e-learning, or anything else. We can have meaningful outdoor experiences. We can bike, hike, fish, camp, sleep in hammocks, enjoy. 

Retraining my brain to enjoy quiet time, nature, crafting, and relaxing is the plan. I don't mind as long as the days are long and the weather is pleasant. We have 2 hammocks hanging in the yard and a variety of beverages available:)

a new hustle

There are so many things I love to do and one of them is to just chill. In a hammock, on the deck, in my bed,  I don't discriminate against location. I love being busy and doing things, but this phrase really resonates with me right now. I pride myself on being a working mom. I can juggle life like the best of them, but burnout ensues and then resent and all the other things that come with that.

Right now I am working from home and helping my daughter with her e-learning. We do fun crafts, activities, and games each week. It's not all for her benefit. It's for mine, too. It gives me something to prepare, to look forward to, to think about. It replaces all the things we used to do out there (aka the world as we knew it) with things we can do in here (la casa). 

I didn't realize this until recently. Bike trips to Wendy's with a stop through Coral Cove (bouncy house arcade) are one of her favorite things to do over summer. We can't go to those places right now, but we played arcade games, got Wendy's and are currently eating a LOT of ice cream. We are able to replicate our fun in safe and meaningful ways without me killing myself to drag her everywhere and do everything. 

I am doing the work-from-home-grind right now and some days I am KILLING IT. Other days, not so much. I appreciate this break from the chaos because it made my family realize that we don't have to be on the go to have fun. We can do things at home or outside that represent just as much fun as driving forever, stressing about gifts, location, dishes to pass, or whatever.

We watched cooking shows all morning and painted our nails. We took a walk. We made milkshakes. We played cards. We laughed. I am learning that making memories and taking time for snuggles and meaningful moments is just as important as where we are headed next and what's on next weekend's agenda.

We are doing the home life hustle and it is working. Not everyone feels this way. I get that. I just really appreciate realizing that I can earn cool mom points by orchestrating pajama day with a marshmallow eating contest just as easily as I can orchestrate a day at the zoo. Will I remember this diatribe when the world reinstates itself? Maybe not, but for now, I will do everything I can to make every moment count.

making your own fun

The one thing my daughter misses most is Coral Cove, a bouncy house-arcade in our area. After some light googling, I came up with 7 games I could make from things we have at home. Luckily we had tons of stuff, from the recycling bin to the craft room, to make some fun games I knew she would love. 

Easter buckets are aplenty, so Bozo buckets was a must. Flipping a chair over and cutting the center out of paper plates = Ring toss. We used the mini basketball hoop she made for STEM and a laundry basket with a bouncy ball for mega hoops. A rope with a hook attached became a fishing pole. I glued toilet paper tubes to plywood and she rolled a ball across it, trying to get the ball through each tube. I even made a Plinko game by gluing lids to a piece of plywood and putting small containers at the bottom.

Everything was labelled with construction paper and marker. I even chopped up little game tickets and tallied her points. It took one hour to gather, label, and create. The choices were 1. More TV 2. More reading 3. Go to bed early. So creativity won! I created Covid Cove and she thought it was hilarious. 

She patiently used her tickets and helped me tally her points. Her prize list was minimal, but she got to choose from candy, pencils, cookies, ice cream, a makeover or a necklace. She ended up with a little of all of it and an hour of play later she had a big, happy smile.

For some reason, this was a long week. I had a moment. She had a few moments. I wanted to end the work week on a positive and this worked! The dress for the day was onsies and the bar was set very low for expectations and standards, high for laughter and entertainment. I managed another week of pulling off working-momming-quarantining :) 

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...