Everything midwest, everything mama. I am just keeping it real and trying to make my family and friends laugh in the process!
be grateful you get to be here

the spirit of giving back

it definitely takes a village

faking it til' I make it!

one little bag makes a big difference

it's a boo-tiful day!

gratitude is everywhere

taking a pause

it's apple orchard time this week!

staying rad for the bus!

choose to dance through it all!

you can learn a lot from dip n dots!

the best quote from a cool chick!

golfing without the clubs

learning the fine art of chess
There's nothing better than hearing, "Want to play a game, daddy?" She tried to hold her own. She definitely did better than I could have done. I got to watch and be the cheering commity. That works for me!

showing dignity through disparity

you're never too young to cook and bake!

What to do with a half hour???
We had a half hour to kill before bed. Being a girl mom is the BEST! Thirty minutes is plenty of time for fun! I offered painting canvases, bracelet making, baking clay beads, games, or I said we could just fill a basket with stuff we don't want. And out of all those choices, what did she choose??? Fill a basket.
I was kidding, by the way. How does a kid NOT want to play with all of her own stuff and do artsy fartsy fun with mom? So we got a laundry basket and started upstairs to work our way down to the basement. We now have a box of stuff to get rid of. We even have a pile of fun started for summer break!
I am definitely proud of this kid. She knows what she likes and she is honest about the stuff she doesn't like. Since art stuff never goes bad or goes out of style, we can constantly find new ways to have fun and be creative without just staring at a TV all summer or doing the same thing everyday. Next time we get bored or have free time, I may just offer up doing dishes or brushing the dog instead of filling a basket and see what she says :)

Always look on the bright side
We look on the bright side of life a lot! Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and find the bright spot. Today I doubled over in laughter over a conversation about glow sticks. I was dying of laughter over glow sticks. BUT, it was a bright and sunny side of my day.
My daughter was in charge of dinner tonight and it was SO GOOD. She did a great job. It was fun being her sous chef in the kitchen and watching her do her thing in the kitchen. It was a great meal and a great bonding experience. BOOM. Bright side :)
We went to a garage sale and bought a new card game for the camper last weekend. It is Sorry Revenge. After playing for a few rounds, we picked it up and really enjoyed it. Without even trying, we found the bright side. I am trying to find something bright every day to enjoy and embrace.
Trying to find the bright side can get tough when you've been looking through the darkened glasses of shame, doom, stress, or whatever it is you have in your soul. I realize now that the more I smile, the more the little people in my life do. The more the dog enjoys life. The more my husband enjoys life.
There is a really annoying song from back when I taught preschool, "Stay on the sunny side, always on the sunny side. Stay on the sunny side of life. Lalalalalalala. You'll never feel ashamed. You'll never feel the same. Stay on the sunny side of LIFE!"

what's YOUR superpower?!
My kid has decided she wants to fly. We talked about all the cool places she could go. Or all the cool places she would see. She wants to sit on top of tall buildings and look down. She wants to fly around with our dog on her back. She definitely had some good talking points!

new snack spots are the best!

you can learn a lot from flower gardens

remembering to enjoy every moment

a little paint makes a big difference

we DID find it here!

it's butterfly time!

an ode to Orbeez

enjoying the little things

sidewalk chalk is an underappreciated item!

detoxing everything can be so good

finding gratitude makes us smile

the fun of having a girly one

We love thrifting!

sometimes excess is necessary

do-it-yourself is one of the best themes ever!

you might be a girl mom if...

the Easy Bake oven still exists!

the angel window

the game you will love to play

teaching your kid the art of balance
We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...
One of Rockford's nicest places to go is Anderson Gardens. We love Khlem Arboretum and Nicholas Conservatory, so we don't go to Ande...
March's random act of kindness is writing letters to soldiers. Today we sat in the new blanket fort and wrote. How do you ex...