be grateful you get to be here

As you prepare the hot dishes and make your last minute preparations, don't forget about those that won't get the opportunity. I felt guilty about no Christmas cards. For about 5 minutes! I prepped for good behavior, the perfect gifts and lots of tasty food. We cleaned and booked and prepared. We baked and did the advent calendars.
Then we started doing our charity work. How many dogs are in the shelters? How many hats and blankets can we crochet for the homeless? Are soldiers getting gifts and love? Cue the commercials of soldiers overseas sending their love home. Cue the tears.

So very grateful for our military relatives and all they have sacrificed. Hoping everyone gets to be with their loved ones this season. As I prepare to spend time with my own family this weekend, I send peace and love to everyone, but especially military families. My military roots are pulling at my heart strings a bit extra right now. Always proud and appreciative to have been a part of the biggest and greatest family ever.

The season, be aware. Be grateful. Be blessed. Be present! Happy holidays!

the spirit of giving back

In the spirit of giving back, we have started cranking out hats and blankets for Miss Carly's! Typically we crochet until our fingers fall off. And, do trust, we are! I just picked up a few fleece blankets to make a rag blanket as well. It was a fun little craft project while we watched a holiday movie.

The fleece rag blankets are easy to cut and knot. They make easy, warm blankets in fun designs. My only regret is that I didn't pick up more on black Friday! We could have made some for our favorite animal shelter as well. 

I may keep grabbing these as I see them to add to our donation collection. This time of year is all about family and togetherness. It is important in this house to stress gratitude for all we have and to encourage giving back as often as we can. Two $2 blankets knotted together while eating popcorn and watching a movie sounds like a huge win to me! Easy.

it definitely takes a village

Today and all days, I am thankful for my tribe. My girl tribe, my ride or dies, my drop everything when I call them crying girls, the people that make me the sane version of myself, those who remind me I am amazing just as I am and I should be content with that. These girls come from all different walks. The work wives, the friends of friends, the friends who resemble family, the actual family, the O.G.s, the ones who keep the secrets, the ones who THINK they keep the secrets ;), the ones who know how I take my drinks, or when I am going to lose it. These ladies. They make me so much better. 

They say it takes a village to raise a child. They aren't lying. If I had to list the doctors, specialists, advice givers, sitters, drivers, fixers, do-ers, tear driers, advice givers, listeners... We would be here all night. BUT it also takes a village to make a bad ass woman. It takes an AMAZING village to make a great woman a great mom. 

There will never be a shortage of gratitude for those of you that fit into my village. I am better because of you. My daughter is better because of you. Those of you who remind me I am doing the right thing or slip me the extra smiles when I need them are just reminding me that opportunity for gratitude and happiness lie all over the place. 

I was complaining to a friend a few week's back that I was the worst mom ever because I promised something and when it came time to book, they were all sold out. I actually cried over this. We had waited so patiently for this fun and amazing opportunity and then poof. Gone. She reminded me that mistakes happen and my version of failure isn't actually failure. It's me being hard on myself. It's me setting the bar so incredibly high that sometimes I can't even reach all my goals. It is me realizing that she is right and I just need to take a deep breath and realize that none of this was the end of the world. Laughter and joy were still planned and executed, just differently than the original plan was laid out. 

Today I embrace the acronyms "FAIL", "END", and "NO" as a challenge to keep smiling, keep laughing and keep doing me. I embrace my flaws and failures, as much as my accomplishments. I embrace it all, including my village. We need each other more than ever to encourage and cheer each other on. I hope everyone finds just the right fit for their own village so they can be the best version of who they want to be always.

faking it til' I make it!

I am reusing this picture because these days, I need the reminder. You see me smile, but if my eyes aren't smiling, you're being duped. You hear my jolly tone, but if you notice, it's canned. Fake it til' you make it mode is in full effect right now. 

It's just the time of year- warm weather is gone, chilly weather is settling in, bye bye camper, bye bye lazy summer days. Halloween is over, so everyone will go straight to Christmas and bypass my favorite holiday- Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving with no gifts, lots of food, family, fun and football. My favorite holiday!
I am grateful. I am blessed. I am making plans to beat the upcoming winter blues. We are going to do all the things and gave all the fun. But dang. I am tired. 

Tired of feeling like I have to be perfect every second of the day. Tired of running at 100 miles an hour. Tired of feeling all the emotions of everyone 24/7 and putting mine last. Just tired. I took two naps last weekend and avoided electronics and I STILL felt exhaustion.

I deleted apps, friends on social media, cleaned out emails, cleaned the junk drawers, made donation bags and still... I don't think I need to be cleaning the little things to feel better. This is bigger than that. I gotta dig deep. Better days are coming. The smiles will become genuine once again. I will lower my bar of excellence just enough to catch a breath and recharge.

I will be grateful. I will be aware of my blessings. I will pause to enjoy the little things. I will see the light ahead. I will enjoy each moment. And I will realize that this tough patch will pass just like the others and I will bounce back even stronger than before :)

one little bag makes a big difference

We started using all those Walmart and Dollar General bags for more than just garbage bags in the bathroom. Once a season I grab a handful of bags and we fill them. I go room by room and fill the bags. Junk. Recycling. Give away. Donate. It doesn't feel like you're getting rid of much if you're only filling small bags.

Fill the bags until you're out of bags, out of patience, or out of stuff. It's usually about 5-8 bags at a time. Nice and easy. After all those Home Edit shows and Marie Kondo, it's easier to find joy and simplicity in organization. It feels good to purge and remove clutter. It also helps to have a mini me who wants to help. 

We now have 6 bags to give to a friend's daughter. There are 3 bags to pass back to a friend. There is 1 bag of sheets and towels to donate to the animal shelter. There is 1 bag for the homeless shelter. 1 bag for recycling. 

Impending cold weather means that we will be sitting at home more. Sitting home means you know notice things. Noticing things means feeling overwhelmed by amounts of pure stuff. And in my case, we create a fun little bonding activity by helping each other get rid of stuff. 

Making little changes mean big things. And it all starts with boredom and some little bags. It's an optical illusion. If you thought you had to fill a garbage bag, then you'd panic or get annoyed. Filling little bags makes big impact :)

it's a boo-tiful day!

It all started with a trip to a few stores. We saw these cute little ghosts and SOMEONE got on my good side by saying, "Mama, you could crochet that! I bet we could make crochet ghosts." And, done. I am always up for a challenge. And, yes, I am aware I got duped by a 10 year old playing to my weakness :) 

I stress crochet, crochet for fun, crochet for warmth, crochet for donation, crochet for craft, you get it... I learned how to crochet when I was 10. I have been plugging away ever since. I taught both kids to crochet and it worked out well. 

My little one still needs to learn to crochet on the round. Then she can help me to make more ghosts. She loves her little ghost I whipped up. We even used real blush for the cheeks! We plan to make a whole ghost family to go with this cute little ghost mama. 

Anything to get a smile outta that kid is fine by me. Last year we crocheted a whole pumpkin patch. The year before we crocheted a bunch of mini stockings. We have made capes, specialty items, mermaid tail blankets, you name it. It's a cheap, safe and easy habit/hobby/secret addiction that helps me strengthen my mother-daughter bond :)

All you need is yarn and a needle. Maybe 5 whole dollars. And a little time. You can make memories and a lot of unnecessary trinkets, but it's peaceful and fun :)

gratitude is everywhere

It was a big week in this house! The end of September means fall, birthdays, and fun. We had birthday dinner, more 90 degree weather, and pumpkin collecting, all in one week! I had to take a pause and collect myself, my thoughts and move forward. As long as this week was, as tired as I felt, I reminded myself how blessed we are. 

Our little community experienced another loss that really hit me to the core. I am eternally grateful for not only the house, the family, friends, clothes, etc. I am grateful for good health, health care options, insurance, safety and security as well. Life is short and unpredictable. Things change in the blink of an eye.

One reoccurring thought and lesson popped up this week. I will be grateful for this one life I have been given and live it to the fullest. I will focus on my health and wellbeing. I will be grateful that I AM able to put myself and my family first. I will focus on the safety and health of my family because, yes, I am grateful for these precious lives. Yes, I am blessed for these precious moments.

Life is too short. I want to leave this Earth knowing I did what I could to help others and make the world a better place because I am grateful for the resources that I have available. I am grateful for the insight to know this, the ability to believe this and the power to accept this. Accept and be thankful for your blessings, big and small, fun and serious.

Be grateful. Be thankful. Be able to do you.

taking a pause

Our family had quite the week! We wrapped up another camping trip. We started back with sports and activities. We mourned the loss of a dear friend. We took pause to be grateful, hug a little longer and reflect on the lives we have. We took a nice digital break.

We had lots of conversations this week that I wasn't ready for. "What if? Why? Now what?" Lots and LOTS of, "It's not fair." And I didn't quite know how to respond, except to use honesty, hugs, and lots of ice cream. 

We lived life to the fullest according to 10 year old guidelines this week. We baked cookies a lot so there was always a fresh batch available:) We bought a new leotard to support local. We donated to a child in need. We are skipping school tomorrow for a road trip! We stayed up late to watch girly shows. We embraced living life in the now.

Tonight we baked again. Fresh honey zucchini bread is cooling on the counter. Chocolate chip coconut cookies are in Tupperware. A homemade confetti cake is all set for frosting. We realized that the kitchen is one of our happy places. 

We chat, we laugh, we enjoy conversation. We learn patience, math, and cleaning up our messes. We experiment and bond over baked goods. I smiled and laughed more tonight than I have in a week. And now we get to eat well all weekend. 

All I can hope is that the love, laughter, and baked goods made my little one smile and be grateful. I hope she knows she is loved and that she has become a great baker. She learned to mourn loss while embracing life. We laughed through tears, ate the good foods, and decided to just say yes to life from here on out!

it's apple orchard time this week!

There are certain things that happen in the midwest that remain pretty unclear to the rest of the world: shirtless men at football games in December, mini skirts with snow boots (NOT MY look-I will never understand this), cheese hats, all the cheese-beer combinations your heart can desire... You know. THOSE things. And finally, one of the greatest of them all... Apple orchard season!!! This Friday starts the season. Yep, it's going to be high 80's this weekend, but I guarantee there will be lines at the orchards.

Now it appears as though Oreo has jumped on the midwest bandwagon. I won't tell you what to do, but really?!? Nope. No. Nuh uh. Not in my house. Drive your booty to one of the numerous orchards, pop up orchards, or wineries that also sell baked goods and get the durn donuts! No judgement. They're part of a balanced breakfast, snack, dessert, or quick bite as you run out the door. Once upon a time, my friend had her husband stop at an orchard when they lived out of state and fly home with said donuts. It's that real. 

Our personal favorites are from Curran's Orchard because they also boast their award winning apple cider slushies. Unfortunately, we are gone this weekend, but there will be donuts in our future really, really soon. Nothing else compares! It doesn't matter if you're sweating it out at the orchard or sitting in front of a crackling fire with a fuzzy blanket, apple cider donuts go with all occasions. And please, if you try the Oreos, let me know!

staying rad for the bus!

Dotzies are truly the best. We were finishing up all of our summer projects and this little beauty is finally done! It took forEVER to finish, but it looks so cute! If you're unfamiliar, they are teeny, tiny crystals that you use a teeny, tiny tool to pick up and place on an extremely sticky surface with a pattern/picture. The crystals sit in little trays that you fill with each particular color as you need it.

Imagine sneezing, jerking your hand, or sitting next to a 10 year old... They fly everywhere! It takes a bit to get these things done. We love them, though! It is so relaxing to just sit quietly and focus on the specific task or color at hand.

My kid may be one of the few that packs notebooks and pens to write and draw on the bus each morning. Her best friend takes a different bus this year, so she has been bummed. BUT now she has a fancy new notebook to doodle on the bus with. And it's all her. She chose the colors and we put every stinking crystal on. 

Here we are, crafting fools just staying crafty, staying positive, and staying together to get the fun done. Google Dotzies. You'll thank me. (There are different types. These are just one brand.)

choose to dance through it all!

Once upon a time, the Dixie Chicks said, "Some days you gotta dance. Live it up when you get the chance." Then I saw this picture and realized that dancing and music make me happy and really do help! Instead of taking 2 pills with a meal, I shall crank up the tunes and move my feet. I feel like this is an amazing growth mindset statement.

I can't always choose what I listen to or hear or how my day goes, but I CAN choose how I respond to it. That is hard to remember in the heat of the moment. Summer is winding down. My mom brain is on overdrive these days with all the thoughts, questions, and to-do lists. I go to bed wondering if we did enough, did too much, did we read enough, use enough sunscreen, laugh enough, rest enough. I wake up with a list of things that I have convinced myself needs to get done.

This is why I crank the music all the time! It makes us smile. It makes us laugh. It makes us move. It quiets that inner voice that is always on the go (did we return the library books? What is for dinner? Should I paint that wall or not?). 

I will TRY to remember to hear the music and not the worry. I TRY to laugh and dance and play and realize I can't make everything perfect or complete all the time every time. We can't control the weather or anything else, but we can control our life soundtrack and how we move along to it. 
Here are some songs to get you started on your happy dance kind of day: 

I'm better when I'm dancing-Peanuts soundtrack
Hair Up-Trolls soundtrack
Let it Go-Frozen soundtrack
My shot-Hamilton soundtrack
Fun fun fun-Despicable Me soundtrack

you can learn a lot from dip n dots!

It started with a trip to the new Beloit Snappers stadium to see a special showing of Sandlot. This particular night was HOT. It was also a kick off for mother-daughter weekend. Because of this, I was in a don't-care/whatever happens kind of mood. When it's hot, I am not messing around. We get hydrated and I just want to be comfortable. 

So my daughter asked for Dip n Dots and I said yes. Mind you, I NEVER say yes to Dip n Dots. They're messy and there's usually an ice cream place close by, so I usually say no. She ate them and thanked me and we carried on. On the walk back to the car she said, "Thank you for spoiling me. I know I am not supposed to say I'm spoiled, but I am." 

I asked her why she thinks she's spoiled (uh, maybe the vacations, all the fun, all the activities?!?!). She said it's because I let her get Dip n Dots... So... Let me get this straight. The way to this kid's heart is through treats and desserts? Done ;) And all this time we've been planning trips and fun!
Seriously, though. She recognized that I got her something out of the ordinary and appreciated it. That is fantastic! Then it got even better because it turned into a slight math lesson which just makes me happy. She was even able to learn a little.

Dip n Dots at Great America cost much more than Dip n Dots at other places. They were almost twice as much. When she saw this, she pointed it out. She said that we could have gotten 2 more Dip n Dots at the ball park for the price of one somewhere else. So, huge thanks to Dip n Dots for making me look like the cool mom who spoils her kid and for helping us throw in a mini math lesson :)

the best quote from a cool chick!

We are constantly trying to instill good values into our tiny human. Be kind, choose wisely, be a friend to all, pick up after yourself... there are just too many to list! A personal favorite: "leave no trace" came in handy last week. Life lessons are everywhere and I wonder how many other people pick up on this stuff. I am huge fan of good quotes, life lessons, and mantras, so these concepts blend well into the life we have created for ourselves.

My favorite quote from Maya Angelou is a great example of a good life quote and a great way to teach a tiny human to have good values. Why be normal when you can be YOUnique, amazing, and a true individual??? What is normal anyways??? And who decided that was the end game? In this house we strive to be ourselves so we feel comfortable in our own skin, with who we are, what we wear, what we do...

We took a trip last week. No hotels, no Uber, no catered meals (all of those things are fantastic, but this wasn't THAT kind of trip!). We slept in, rode bikes through mud puddles, jumped off a cliff (yep, that happened!), wore swimsuits all day,  explored, created, lived. It was BY FAR one of the best family vacations, in my humble opinion, that we have ever taken. It was far from your normal because we spent 10 days in a camper... with a kid AND a dog... and it went great! 

This is our new normal and we love it. I am so excited to hop a plane and get on a cruise. I can't wait to hit up an all-inclusive resort again! I can't wait for life as we know it to resume it's original glory. Because we choose to redefine the word "normal" we are able to have amazing adventures, stay true to ourselves, and still learn life lessons along the way.

Be normal, or not. Be unique, or not. Just be amazing! Be yourself. And be your best self!

golfing without the clubs

Why golf when you can play cards golf?!? We learned this card game and it is worth the effort. A deck of cards and something to keep score with is all you need. When you're camping and trying to pack minimally, any card game is a good game. Now we have yet another game in our arsenal for when we get antsy or need some down time.

Just like with regular golf, you get 9 cards and the lowest score wins. You can play as little or as long as you want. We typically let each player deal once. If it's just the 2 of us, we play to 50 points (first to 50 loses). That's all there is to it. 

This game is the best because it forces little minds to pay attention and use strategy. Someone has to keep score (math skills!). You have to add up your rows (more math!). You have to match numbers (matching skills are important, right!?). And overall, it's just plain fun. Take the time to hit up the racks near any cash register anywhere and buy yourself a fresh deck of cards!

learning the fine art of chess

We have learned a lot from Y care. Someone at Y care taught my daughter how to braid her hair. Someone else taught her how to tie her shoes. And another person taught her chess. She gets a lot done in those afternoon sessions!

Chess is not a game a play. My brain doesn't work like that! However, my daughter loves strategy games. She plays Stratego, TinTin, and now chess. It seemed only fitting that we get a new chess board for Father's Day so my favorite folks can strategize together. 

There's nothing better than hearing, "Want to play a game, daddy?" She tried to hold her own. She definitely did better than I could have done. I got to watch and be the cheering commity. That works for me! 

Long gone are the 92 games in a row of CandyLand or Go Fish. Now the whole family can enjoy all the fun together. There are only a few games we haven't taught her to play yet. With that brain of hers she will have them down in no time! We definitely love games in this house!

showing dignity through disparity

When you get evacuated from your home for a minute, it really puts some things in perspective. We only ordered from or ate from local dining establishments. Always support local! We relied on local friends and news sources for help and/or information. We put our faith in local community efforts to support the town that we know and love.

I saw this post and was reminded of the ripple effect. Think big, act big. Shop small, save all. Do good, help the hood (fine, I just made that up but it's funny!) There is a lot to be said for being the bigger person. Acting like the champ. Leading by example. 

We experienced so much in my tiny little town this week, but we made national news, welcomed the EPA and other government agencies, and tried to save face. All I was reminded of was to save grace. Don't be a fool. Take a deep breath. Collect yourself. 

We had so many options for our family. I felt blessed that we could have camped, found a hotel, or bunked in with family. Despite ALL that, we decided that no matter what happens next, we will proceed with dignity and grace. We will support local businesses also dealing with this matter. We will recommend local to people asking for help to choose a restaurant or a shop. We will show dignity and grace when we stick our heads up to proudly proclaim where we are from!

Be the ripple! Demonstrate a ripple! Keep your head up against all odds!

you're never too young to cook and bake!

I love to bake and my husband loves to cook. Between the two of us, we are setting a pretty good example in our house for independence, hobbies, good eating, creativity... The rules are simple
 You have to try a food before you say you don't like it. You have to clear your spot at the table. Sometimes you help with dinner. 

My daughter has started preparing little meals for us. Last Thursday we had homemade pizza with macaroni and cheese. Have you ever looked into homemade pizza crust? So simple- flour, yeast, oil, water, sugar. Cheap and easy. 

Last night we had macaroni and cheese with breakfast cookies for dessert. She has aprons, measuring equipment, kid cookbooks, and interest, so why not?! Breakfast cookies are high protein, egg-free cookies that are actually really good. We split up meal cooking so we aren't stuck with only Kraft based choices ;)

Giving her a little freedom and trust has gone a long way. She wants to help. She is learning fractions and math skills through measuring. She has to help clean up, so every which way I win! And she gets to try new things, so we all win. I truly hope the art of cooking and baking is always her passion! We have so much fun with it!

What to do with a half hour???

 We had a half hour to kill before bed. Being a girl mom is the BEST! Thirty minutes is plenty of time for fun! I offered painting canvases, bracelet making, baking clay beads, games, or I said we could just fill a basket with stuff we don't want. And out of all those choices, what did she choose??? Fill a basket. 

I was kidding, by the way. How does a kid NOT want to play with all of her own stuff and do artsy fartsy fun with mom? So we got a laundry basket and started upstairs to work our way down to the basement. We now have a box of stuff to get rid of. We even have a pile of fun started for summer break!

I am definitely proud of this kid. She knows what she likes and she is honest about the stuff she doesn't like. Since art stuff never goes bad or goes out of style, we can constantly find new ways to have fun and be creative without just staring at a TV all summer or doing the same thing everyday. Next time we get bored or have free time, I may just offer up doing dishes or brushing the dog instead of filling a basket and see what she says :)

Always look on the bright side

 We look on the bright side of life a lot! Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and find the bright spot. Today I doubled over in laughter over a conversation about glow sticks. I was dying of laughter over glow sticks. BUT, it was a bright and sunny side of my day. 

 My daughter was in charge of dinner tonight and it was SO GOOD. She did a great job. It was fun being her sous chef in the kitchen and watching her do her thing in the kitchen. It was a great meal and a great bonding experience. BOOM. Bright side :) 

 We went to a garage sale and bought a new card game for the camper last weekend. It is Sorry Revenge. After playing for a few rounds, we picked it up and really enjoyed it. Without even trying, we found the bright side. I am trying to find something bright every day to enjoy and embrace. 

 Trying to find the bright side can get tough when you've been looking through the darkened glasses of shame, doom, stress, or whatever it is you have in your soul. I realize now that the more I smile, the more the little people in my life do. The more the dog enjoys life. The more my husband enjoys life. 

There is a really annoying song from back when I taught preschool, "Stay on the sunny side, always on the sunny side. Stay on the sunny side of life. Lalalalalalala. You'll never feel ashamed. You'll never feel the same. Stay on the sunny side of LIFE!"

what's YOUR superpower?!

We had a discussion a few weeks back about super powers. What would YOUR super power be? Everyone had different responses. Most people said they wanted the ability to fly. Some wanted to have super strength. 

I thought it would be cool to go invisible. Can you imagine sneaking up on a robber or a crook and whispering BOO in their ear? Remember that scene in Ghost where Patrick Swayze messes with the bad guy? That was the best! You could do so many fun things. 
My kid has decided she wants to fly. We talked about all the cool places she could go. Or all the cool places she would see. She wants to sit on top of tall buildings and look down. She wants to fly around with our dog on her back. She definitely had some good talking points!

I may demand a new vote. Is there a way a parent can take away their kid's pain or sorrow? Is that a superpower? As we get older and find more emotion and empathy in certain situations, there are more hugs, more tears, more snuggles. She needs to experience some sadness, but it's heartbreaking to watch your little munchkin be sad knowing there's nothing to do to fix it besides hugs and loves.

So... superpower! What would you choose? Would you use your powers for good or for evil? So many options! All I know is that we will be getting capes and maybe tiaras if this ever truly happens :)

new snack spots are the best!

Not sure how we have totally missed out on this delectable little snack spot. We had dinner at a Mexican place and then walked over to check out the confectionary. I was like a kid in a candy shop in there! Forgive the pun ;) We have been broadening our horizons and trying new spots for food, gifts, and fun.

We got "exhausted parent" flavored ice cream. That consisted of boozy flavored ice cream with large chocolate chunks. They let us mix another fun flavor with chunks of candy in it into the pint. And, of course, the Beloit Mix puffcorn. It was ALL so good! 

The popcorn, ice cream, and fudge treats are all made on site daily. If we must continue to eat tasty treats to help our community, we will. Someone has to help make sure that all the fun stores stay open and thriving. And notice the empty bag. Time for a new flavor!

you can learn a lot from flower gardens

We are expanding our flower garden to be a little longer. Now don't confuse me with someone who actually gardens or does it well! I just figured it would look better going the entire length of the garage instead of stopping half way. Insert mini me. She obviously wants to help.

We dug out the existing border edge and yanked up the grass in the new garden spot. We went and picked out a few new plants to start. She helped me transplant and water. We plan to pick up more plants at the new store that just opened in Rockton for all our flower needs! I am hoping that it will be a constant rotation of colors, flowers and plants in bloom throughout the year.

I need more garden pavers and a few more filler plants and voila. We will be done. I honestly got the plant Hen&Chicks because that is just adorable. No idea what it will look like. Don't even care. The name sold me!

Now we can weed the vegetable and the flower garden together. Do I hear bonding time? Yep. Do I hear less work for me? Yep. Do I hear instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment? Yep. Did I take it too far? Yep. Don't even care! We will have pretty flowers to look at while we chill on the deck. 

remembering to enjoy every moment

This expression is currently my self motto. Things are good. We have our health, we have each other, we have the love of our family, jobs, spring time. However, we hit a rough patch and had some bad days. Good days are good. Bad days are not as good. 

We embrace what we have because that's the best way to get through! Smile, enjoy the little moments, and just be grateful. My little one went from 10 years old to practically 30 overnight. We discuss everything. She has big questions that are in depth, insightful and real. She keeps me on my toes with her big plans, big dreams, and big thoughts. 

She has planned her own wedding, her future career choices, and her first job, but she's still at an age where she wants to snuggle at night. I will take it! No matter what happens each day, I know I will come home to a family that loves me, food on the table, and snuggles. I will take that over some other options any day. We will continue to stop and enjoy each moment. We will be thankful, grateful, and gracious despite the laughter or any potential tears. We WILL enjoy every moment!

a little paint makes a big difference

We needed a change up. The dark blue room came with the house, so we got dark beige curtains to match. And now... it needs lightened and brightened. What a better way to get a clean slate and teach your kid a life skill? One can of paint and 2 paintbrushes. Two days, big messes, laughter, conversations. So worth it!

I painted the aqua and my little one helped paint all the trim white, the shelves and the closet. They're finally white again! It looks so fresh and clean in there. Now when she takes friends in there to play or has a sleepover or does a movie night, it will look nice and fresh. She can take ownership for the work she has done.
I got more work done with my buddy than I would have done alone. I got to show her some useful skills. She got to feel useful and grown because she got to help. Painting isn't my favorite thing, but the results make it so worth it! It was a fun little project that kept us busy and it doesn't take much money to get a clean, new look. 

We just love it. It's a bit bright and a bit girly, but oh well. The room looks bigger and cleaner. The little one feels good about herself because she got to help me. And now her beanie boos will have a clean, fun room to live in :)

we DID find it here!

This blue arch make us so happy! It means grandma time. Time to unwind, bake, eat ice cream, thrift shop and movie watch. Is it quite the drive? Yep! Have we done it enough that it's no big deal? Yep! 

We spent an entire afternoon binge watching children's movies and playing Uno. Then we moved to the front steps to watch my daughter ride her bike all over the neighborhood. There were naps and honey do lists. There was a day of reminiscing. An afternoon of hiking. A morning at the library. In my mind, this roadtrip always means SLOW DOWN AND ENJOY IT. 

The beauty of taking an 86 year old (but 68 at heart) and a 10 year old anywhere means you can go at your own pace and you aren't going far. Our big outings are always Goodwill, Dollar General and picking up Popeye's for dinner one night. I mean, we are party animals! These places are purely tradition. Even my ten year old looks forward to hearing, "I will give you this twenty dollars and you can buy whatever you want!" 

Spring has arrived. April has arrived. We got grandma time in. Things are looking okay! Heads up because the next stop is Easter!

it's butterfly time!

The butterflies are back in town! We headed over to Nicholas Conservatory to see the new butterflies exhibit. They had quite the set up. It was organized and easy to get in. I am shocked we haven't seen the display sooner. So fun!

They had a slideshow to start in one room and then you walked into another room to meet with another expert. He showed us cocoons and explained the whole process of caterpillar to butterfly. There were lots of questions for the kids. Lots of fun things to see. They had fish, cocoons, and pupae to observe in the second room.

Then you go into the arboretum to view the plants and butterflies. We enjoyed all the pretty flowers and displays. The koi were a big hit with the little ones. I love all the waterways that flow through the room. They had statues and benches hidden around the room to enjoy. 

In the butterfly room you get a sponge on a stick soaked in Gatorade. Apparently butterflies like Gatorade! It took a minute, but the butterflies eventually came over to us. Then they were everywhere! It was so fun to watch the joy in my kid's eyes. It was a nice relaxing hour where we got to slow down and enjoy nature and (literally) all the little things :)

an ode to Orbeez

We got a gallon bag full of Orbeez (aka water beads, aka squish balls) last night. I don't know why these things are so entrancing! They're squishy, they're colorful, they're calming fun. You can buy them anywhere. All you do is pour water over them and voila!

Whoever created these is a pure genius. Seriously. For $2 you have an afternoon of fun. It's so simple, yet so genius. Keep them in a bowl and squish, scoop and play. Leave them in the gallon baggie and you have a pillow-like product to play with.
We decided to make stress balls since we had so many Orbeez. Sounded easy enough. We figured we use a funnel to pour them into a balloon. But... that didn't work. Cutting a water bottle in half and using THAT as a funnel worked better. But not really. 

Google check! Pour them into an empty water bottle, blow up a ballon and put it over the mouth of the water bottle, then turn it upside down and squeeze the water bottle. All the Orbeez pour into the balloon and then you knot the balloon shut. So easy.
I am telling you... $4. $2 for Orbeez and $2 for balloons. There are so many happy people in this house tonight! Stress relief, craft time, mother-daughter bonding, and we still have a huge bag of Orbeez left to play with. I win!

enjoying the little things

Making time to sit down... I have been doing a much better job at this! This time of year is when things calm down a bit. No more holidays, birthday bustle is over, sports seasons end. I can enjoy spring unfolding and relax.

I picked up my bullet journal from the library last month. The month before we made our dip dyed coffee cups. This week I figured I should probably put all my good stuff to good use. I got all set up and realized my 10 year old mini-me had set up shop right next to me. 1 coffee, 1 hot chocolate, and 2 bullet journals waiting to be filled with all the fun.
We now have bullet journals started. Mine is a big book of lists: favorite memories, favorite vacations, future plans, etc. Her book is filled with sleepover plans, party ideas, and lists of beanie boos. We are so much fun! Crazy, I know...

Our new plan is to write in our journals once a week. Or just read through them and reflect. This requires sitting down! This requires us to find time to chat, read, reflect and enjoy each other. So far, so good.

Note to self: reflect, relax, and sit down every once in a while!

sidewalk chalk is an underappreciated item!

Remember the good ol' days when you just went outside and played? No agendas, no phones, no plans. Just you and fresh air and fun. It is so nice to head outside and just know that regardless of the season or weather, there's always backyard fun to be had. Even though we don't have a country yard any more, there is still plenty of townie yard fun to be had! 

My kid still plays like that when the snow piles up. She will spend hours digging tunnels and building snowmen. This year she learned how to make snow ice cream. We went sledding and snow boarding on the biggest local hill we could find. I spent the winter freezing and she had to be dragged in each time.

In the summer we ride bikes and walk constantly. There are hammock reading sessions, coloring in the fort, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, swings. And you can't forget about gardening, picking raspberries, and wading in the creek. Kites, cloud gazing, backyard yoga... Man, I love summer! 

Today we were waiting for the bus and we noticed the driveway was cleared off of all the excess ice and snow. I grabbed the sidewalk chalk and we colored while we waited for the bus. We sat there in puffy coats and knit hats with huge puff balls on top. For 6 or 7 minutes, we drew. We chatted. We created. We made it colorful and fun. 

It felt like spring. It was nostalgic. It was fun. Sidewalk chalk is a dollar a box. We pick up boxes here and there from spring to fall. It's so easy. It encourages smiles and creativity. Have you ever turned your driveway into a huge game of Chutes and Ladders? Or hopscotch? Or traced your bodies and colored them in? Or played the alphabet game? Options are endless.

I am here to say that everyone should own sidewalk chalk. I was smiling and happy after our mini drawing session. There was no mess and no cleanup. It is cheap and easy and so underrated! When bike season rolls around, we will be drawing pictures in the roads, on the sidewalks and around town just to spread the smiles. I would say that's a dollar well spent :)

detoxing everything can be so good

We love inspiration. It comes from all different places! I saw this on a friend's FB page and quickly borrowed it. I hear detox and I think diets or treatments or skin care regimens. Detox means so much more than that!

When you clean it up, clean it out, downgrade, downsize, simplify, tidy up,  and rearrange, it can be so much simpler. Granted, it takes some practice. It takes mindfulness. It takes patience. It takes awareness. 

Every winter and summer break, we clean out the junk drawers. We clean out closets. I clean out phone contacts and social media accounts. We toss expired products. We go through coloring books, dried out markers, journals, the whole craft room. It took some time, but we created and established routines.

Now that it is second nature, everyone jumps on board. For 2 or 3 days over each major break, we work together. And then we enjoy. We enjoy the simplification. We enjoy the cleanliness. We enjoy the detoxification. We have less to focus on, mess with, clean around. This leaves more time for fun and laughter and making memories. 

finding gratitude makes us smile

We started doing fun New Year's challenges instead of resolutions I will eventually forget or give up on. A few years ago, we did the coin challenge. We did the hanger challenge. The clutter challenge was a good one. This year we focus on gratitude. You notice we got classy and decorated a Hawaiian Punch bottle!? We also get resourceful for these!

This year we focus on gratitude. It's that time of year when we are itching to get outside, to go on a bike ride, go swimming, or for a walk. We typically go to the Dells in February just to break up the cold and have a little fun. Not this year. Everyone got so excited for 2021 to arrive without even realizing it's the distant, evil cousin of 2020. Instead of focusing on all that snow, the temps, and everything else that hasn't resumed like usual, we're focusing on gratitude. 

We write on slips of paper and drop them in. Done. I even made it easy and put paper under the jar and left a few markers behind it. I don't ask what she's written. I just remind her to put the date on each entry. I do the same. Om New Year's Eve we will dump them put and go through a Year's worth of memories, fun, and gratitude. 

Hopefully it will be enough to fuel us up for a year of positive attitudes and being able to see the bigger picture. One site I saw suggested having each person read someone else's. You could even collage them when you're done (probably won't do that, but it's a nice sentiment). We have a year of camping adventures ahead of us. We have plenty to be grateful for, so I am hoping for a full jar by the end of the year full of memories and gratitude we can all be proud of.

the fun of having a girly one

Sometime during quarantine we changed my daughter's room to a unicorn theme. It's nothing fancy, but there are details here and there that are really cute. We even flipped over her summer quilt and put a huge unicorn on it. Then we made a matching pillowcase. It was a fun way to craft away a day in quarantine!

For the winter months she is back to the trusty paisley duvet set. I was scrolling Amazon the other day and came across this set. It is holy adorable! Of course I had to screenshot it to show her. I immediately thought two things: I am SO jealous we didn't have cuteness like this when I was a kid and Is she too old for this now? (Tear, tear at that thought!)
The good news is that she loved it. She was actually ecstatic. The unicorn theme lives on! And now during the cold winter months, she has something bright and cheery to enjoy. We all need a warm, fun pick me up in the cold winter months and I do believe we will be bonding and smiling over the magic of unicorns ;)

We love thrifting!

We get this magazine every month. Not sure why we get it, but I read it. There are always fun recipes or local places highlighted. It's a fun little magazine for those who love their local areas (aka- me!). 

This month they highlighted thrift shops. We LOVE thrift shops! It's not classy, but it's fun. You support local, you score fun finds, it's like treasure hunting :) 
Two years ago my lovely daughter asked for a Goodwill giftcard for her birthday. I just smiled and got on the phone. The lady at Goodwill was so kind. They even gave her a scratch off card to get a discount off for her birthday. And you know what? She walked out of that thrift shop with a big smile and 2 bags of fun. 

Support local. Local businesses are suffering due to Covid. Go shop for treasures! We plan to tour the midwest this summer and do a lot of treasure hunting :)

sometimes excess is necessary

We like to have a good appetizer night at this house. There are so many good options to choose from now that Costco is so close by. The possibilities are endless! 

This morning started with a good cry-it-out movie. That led to, "Can I have cheese sticks for breakfast?" Because when we cry, we need comfort foods, right? The cheese sticks turned into an appetizer platter and we waited for the movie to end and called it brunch. Voila. 

It's not healthy, but it's delicious. It's also fun. Thanks to the air fryer and toaster oven it is easy. This means that she can do it herself with light supervision. I win. 

Notice the complete absence of fruits and (real) vegetables. Not even worried about it. Rumor has it that we will be playing in the snow later and when we come in all cold from the snow we will need a nutritious snack. Enter fruit slices with peanut butter! If starting our day with meatballs at 11am and tears in our eyes makes us happy, then so be it! Happy snow day everybody!

do-it-yourself is one of the best themes ever!

Despite Covid, we were still able to throw together a super fun Birthday weekend for the big 10! Two nights of fun featuring do-it-yourself activities each night. This also included a do-it-yourself invitation that was cut into puzzle pieces for you to assemble. Each guest came separate nights to make it safe and easy for everyone to enjoy. We managed do-it-yourself everything so meal creation, cake decoration, and craft creating became a you touch it, you take it experience. I was unsure of how it would go, but it was safe and fun and the girls had a blast.

To top it all off, we were able to do a birthday Zoom with family and play Hangman. Did I ever forsee a cross country game night in our birthday plans? It is amazing to me how much technology has been able to make us feel connected even when we can't physically be together. For that, I am eternally grateful. We couldn't do a birthday parade, so a birthday Zoom was a warmer option. 

The theme of this whole year has been, "Be flexible, be patient, just go with it!" Our little one has been gracious and patient with just about everything and I worried endlessly that she wouldn't feel like she got the true Birthday experience. After a weekend of giggles, crafts, Zooms, and lots of cupcakes, I would say we nailed it. The theme changed last minute from Dance party to Do-It-Yourself and it was our best theme yet. 

The really fun part was watching her check the mail for a week to collect birthday cards, Birthday gifts, and other birthday wishes. I am hoping we don't have to have an adjusted mini party next year. However, if we do, I know she will be okay with it. She will be grateful. She will have fun. And I know it will be okay ;)

you might be a girl mom if...

Being a boy mom was pretty much what I expected. Underoos, gross jokes, and super heroes consumed our lives for a solid 8 years. We always carried bandaids and knew that real pain equaled stepping on the occasional Lego. We spent a week wearing only a Batman costume once. Nerf guns were an essential toy at every event.

Being a girl mom is equally as fun and equally as messy. Instead of buffing scratches out of the counters from matchbox cars, we now scrape nail polish off the table. Pink covers every surface. We know the name of every beanie boo and sprinkles are in everything we make. We love glitter and frills topped with Converse and overalls.

I cleaned the house today. I found something pink on the tile of my bathroom (nail polish? Hair dye?), something pink by the front door (leftover from painting the fort?), pink paint on the windowsill (definitely from last week's paint session), and pink on the kitchen table (manicures). I can't even get mad. I expect it. "Don't spill! Be careful! Wipe that up!" This is followed with, "I know! I got it! I did!"

We had a spa day the other day. Spa days get a bit excessive at our house. She had asked for pink hair for Christmas and since she didn't ask for much, pink hair she got! We decided to touch it up at the "spa". (More pink stains in the sink!) 

Even though she is ten now, I still got to snuggle during the movie afterwards! There is nothing more soothing than playing with your little one's hair after it just got washed. With all the hot pink, I was making crazy designs and taking pictures for her to see. The pink is on all the surfaces, but I wouldn't trade this for anything. My little punk rocker diva still wants to play, she still decorates in pink, and if we make a mess, then a mess we make. Messes equal memories on spa days!

the Easy Bake oven still exists!

Does anyone remember having an Easy Bake oven this adorable? Nope. Didn't think so. Mine was brown and yellow. I am only mildly jealous that kid's toys are cuter these days. I never had glitter on my stuff- definitely born in the wrong era :)

Someone I know saved and bought this over summer break. Every time we think of it, we buy a bake kit and she makes tiny little snacks. Geez, they went up in price! She is so happy when she can cook and bake safely and without assistance, though. Who doesn't want to spend all that time making tiny little cookies? 

I am glad that our toys have come full circle. A lot of things she plays with now are ones that we all used as kids. We got THREE whole toys for Christmas this year. Only 3. How amazing is that? All the gifts were centered on drawing, crafting, baking, or activities. 

This kid won't get bored until summer break, for sure. She will refine her culinary skills and it will be like a mini iron chef. Maybe she will learn to bake full meals and desserts and I won't have to do that ever again! Well, not really. But in the meantime it is fun to watch her mix and create. She doesn't even realize it, but she's still learning math, fractions and strengthening her reading skills. Bwahaha. I win. Mini cookies AND learning. A great combo!

the angel window

This is the angel window. I made the mistake of trying to rearrange some stuff and I was told no. Okay. No problem. And what is the window for? "It's for all my God stuff to keep me safe." 

Well those are loaded words for a now 10 year old! I love it. Whatever she needs to keep herself happy, loved and feeling safe is fine by me. She can even tell me where all the items came from and what they mean to her. I love the sentimentality of it from such a small human.

We discussed purpose and gratitude a LOT over break. What are you grateful for? Why? If we insist on keeping this stuff/these toys/these items, fine. But do they have purpose? Sure, it was a big conversation to have but helping her understand that we live with purpose and make sure our stuff has purpose had an impact. 

We cleaned up the bedrooms and closets to make room for all the new stuff and the things that never changed were the beanie boos, all the art/drawing stuff, and the angel window. We now have more stuff in the donation box. We gave some stuff away. Now we have new stuff or a new arrangement for the old stuff and we can go into the new year with gratitude and purpose and less clutter.

And the angel window will remain unchanged. Apparently 2021 started out with a bang. The angels will help her feel safe. We will be okay holed up in our house just a little bit longer to quarantine, stay safe, and enjoy being a family. Today we thank all the real life angels who keep us safe (nurses, doctors, police etc) and the ones up above watching over us.

the game you will love to play

So there's this game that our aunt taught us how to play. It's called Tenzi. It's one of those games you either love or hate. Well, we love it! All it has is dice. Easy enough.

There are four different colored sets of dice. There are 10 dice per color. Roll the dice all one number and stack all ten dice. First one to stack them all wins. No thought, no set up, no time commitment. 

After a year of playing it the same way, we decided to crack the instructions manual. There are variations. Lots of them. We spent New Year's Eve playing Stealzi, Splitzi, and Tenzi tower. Along with snacks, Sequence, and music, I would say it made for a family fun evening. 

We haven't gone out for a New Year's eve in 4 years and no one seems sad or upset about it. Why dress up when you can hang out with your kid and play mindless games and eat excessive amounts of pigs in a blanket?! If you need a fast game or something easy, this is your game. No one needs to be able to count or read. FUN! 

teaching your kid the art of balance

We do things most of the time when we see something fun coming up. I am always down for an Icehogs game, an art exhibit, or a local event. W...